Dear XXXXXX, flowersfromtheheart, orchidjoe, flowermania, majusitrukk and sarah p,
Consider this PM notification that you have been identified as the individual that made slanderous and defamatory reviews of Avante Gardens Florist on both AOL Local and using the name Sarah P .
Your Florida IP address is in our possession and with it we will be filing a Federal
defamation lawsuit against you for making false statements about Avante Gardens with intent to harm its business.
You have 24 hours to delete the false and defamatory reviews about Avante Gardens. If the reviews are not deleted entirely, we will proceed to:
- file a lawsuit in US federal Court, subpoena your ISP for your legal name and address, and sue for $500,000 for defamation. You will additionally be sued for all court costs and attorney fees.
- write letters informing AZoogle and any other affiliate advertising publishers and companies with which you are affiliated to notify them of your violations of their terms of service by making false testimonials and publishing false statements to gain affiliate commissions.
Should any other individuals under any names place additional false testimonials or reviews on any Internet review site or websites about Avante Gardens, we will pursue such defamation to the fullest extent of the law.
If the false reviews are removed immediately, we will take no further action.