Wow, Alexander Florist in Detroit MI out of Business

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Blue Oyster Cult

I Suck Cuz I'm Banned
Jan 25, 2003
The News here in Detroit just showed film of this Florist in Detroit located in to the casinos OUT OF BUSINESS. The owners set everything out on the streets for "Take all" including the coolers.

I told you folks that Michigan is in the dumper....How sad. This was a shop who was in business longer than I have been walking the Earth.

I'm in shock.
Originally posted by Blue Oyster Cult
The News here in Detroit just showed film of this Florist in Detroit located in to the casinos OUT OF BUSINESS. The owners set everything out on the streets for "Take all" including the coolers.

I told you folks that Michigan is in the dumper....How sad. This was a shop who was in business longer than I have been walking the Earth.

I'm in shock.

Dang...sad to hear Shel... Alexanders go back to my Grandpas days when they were working for Harry Miller, right after WWII, when they were getting prepared to start our place up here...

Yes, tis very sad. This whole economy thing took longer to get to MISSUAGAIN than the rest of the country, and now we are seeing what others saw a year ago, I think it'll take the recovery (if there really is one) longer to get here too.

There comes a time, when we must weigh the benifits of staying in biz, against the benefits of getting out. Aggrivation does have a monetary value in my opinion, sometimes peice of mind is worth more than anything....

I loved stopping in at Alexander's when we went to Greektown. I just can't believe it. What an eerie feeling that creates.
This is a sad thing.

Man......this really comes home!

Always will be when anyone goes under!


As years ago, buckle up, give everything you got to your biz,
Service, will win. Offer it all and be there! If it is 24/7 your customer and new customers need, Give IT! It will work.

Think, if you need a carpenter to help you out at your house, you can't find one that will be there, much less complete the job as it should be done. Same with the florist biz. NO ONE wants to work.
So is true with everything in our society. Be different, Do what you would expect someone to do for YOU!

When I was real young, and thought I knew it all, an old florist, from the Gulf Coast of Alabama told me, give it all, be there when know one else is, and you will win and grow. That has always stuck with me, and it has worked. My Employees work the ship, throughout the week with me by there side, maybe I will take a day off during the week just to chill, but come Saturday and Sunday, I am there, and WE ROCK. Giving what the others in the Florist Biz in my area, don't.

Service, that NO ONE offers.. that is the answer!

Deliver what NO else will! Not products, but yourself and your staff! Deliver that!

The Florist of yesteryear did, and they Rocked!

'not many doing that now...

With you all..

Fred D.
Nothing is cast in stone....

sometimes even the most prolific shops go stale, in their business practices.
It hurts much more, when the end of a successful business cycle ends in this hurts a lot!!
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