Atta girl Rhonda.....
we purposely reduced our outgoing by freely giving out the names, and toll free numbers of shops that Sandie and I trust to take care of our own customers, as they do their own!!
I KNOW for a fact, that some of you, deliver DIRECTLY into my area...those of you that do/did, get NONE of my business, since I still honour the old traditions.
What I DID notice is that we practically wiped out incoming OG was very refreshing...they now KNOW I'm watching!
We actually grew out outgoing by maybe 16 or 17 orders over last year, AND other shops MUST have been giving out our phone# as well, since our direct AND NEW inbound orders jumped nearly 61%, while incoming wire transfer orders were off by almost 47%.
The bills are paid, the wire service account is credited, and Valentines is already 75% paid for........