Your help is needed

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New Member
Dec 7, 2002
Syracuse, N.Y.
State / Prov
My daughters best friend went for a walk at 4:00 and said she would be gone about 15 minutes. She has not been seen or heard from since. She is only 15 years old. Please pray for her speedy and safe return.

Knife's wife
I pray for good news for all of you.


flowerknife+us said:
My daughters best friend went for a walk at 4:00 and said she would be gone about 15 minutes. She has not been seen or heard from since. She is only 15 years old. Please pray for her speedy and safe return.

Knife's wife
All our prayers from the MAS TEAM Joan
She and her family are surely on our prayer list. If you can share that information, we would like to pray for her by name.
We're thinking on it too....

May the Great Spirit keep her safe with a watchful eye, and a helping hand, and return her home to family and friends without delay...

Mark, Family and Staff
May her Angels

Help her and guide you to her. Prayers are there for her family. WIshing a safe return.
I pray for her safe return and for the family's peace of mind.

Oh Joan, how devasted the family and friends must be. Neal & I will pray earnestly for her safe return and for the Lord's tremendous comfort for all.
She Has Been Found!!!!

Thank You thank you thank you for all the prayers. She has been found!!!! At this point I am unaware of her condition, and state of mind, as the family is now dealing with the whole thing and need their privacy. Please continue to keep her and her family close to your hearts, and in your mind, as I do know and can say, that she will need much prayer for healing her mind and heart. It is amazing the support that can be found in this community of great florist. You're the best!

Joan... 15 is a difficult age. I am hopeful she will continue to have the love and support of family and friends to help her along.

I'm so glad to know she has been found... that's a wonderful gift.

Read above for your answer. She has been found and is safe. The prayers even after the fact aren't really wasted are they...

My prayers are now in gratitude for her safe return and for her and her family as they deal with this and move on with their lives. Having taught young teenagers for 30+ years, I can tell you that often those years are very difficult for the teens and for all who have to deal/live with them.
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