New profile posts

Hey Lori, Favor to ask and please say no if you're too busy. I saw some bar stools on craigs list that look like they'd be nice for my new location. They are in Melrose and if they are still available I was wondering if you could take a look at them for me? I'd hate to go all that way when I'm short of time just to see them in person and find out they suck. If you can, let me know, and if not, no worries! Hope you are having a nice summer and getting some business as well as some fun!
Hi Linda, thanks for thinking of me! I appreciate it. I am having a tough time right now and to top it off I burnt the way back of my throat (past the upper denture plate, which by the way goes so far back it gags you :( in the way back of your throat) when I tasted some mashed potatoes I was warming up in the microwave. Dummy me I couldn't think fast enough what to do when it happened. Finally I reached for a glass of water I had right in front of me on the kitchen counter. Anyway it is going to take me some time and the bottom dentures definitely are not fitting right and I can't keep them in my mouth it hurts too much. I know some people don't have any trouble at all but I knew if it was going to happen to someone, it would happen to me!!!
I was wondering if I may send you a price list and a list of varieties and why noy daily availabilities from our farm in Ecuador so you can actually compare how much you can save buying direct besides the other advantages..If you are interested please send me an email to : [email protected]
I was wondering if I may send you a price list and a list of Rose varieties and why noy daily availabilities from our farm in Ecuador so you can actually compare how much you can save buying direct besides the other advantages..If you are interested please send me an email to : [email protected]
I was wondering if I may send you a price list and a list of varieties and why noy daily availabilities from our farm in Ecuador so you can actually compare how much you can save buying direct besides the other advantages..If you are interested please send me an email to : [email protected]
Hey, Linda,

I haven't been very active on FC lately (that closed FB group is very distracting, since I'm on FB all day and they're just THERE), so, I got behind on the re-branding group. But I love what you've started & where you're going, and marvel that you have the energy to take this on. I've finally caught up on all the posts, but inspiration has not moved me to speak up.

It's cool that this is taking shape just as the Florist For Change group is pulling together. Our global consciousness seems to have everyone moving in the same direction. Would be awesome to make a difference in this industry, wouldn't it?

Anyway, I'll jump in confidently at some point, but I wanted you to know I'm in full support of what you and others are doing. Keep it up.

Take care!

Hey Dude... you've been aweful quiet lately... what up?

Something else for ya to ponder... after the first of the year, I want to send my daughter on a road trip to see a couple stores and how they operate... would you be willing to show her around yours for a day or two? Going to send her to down to Joe Hinsons too, and maybe 1-2 others...let me know... Just want her to get a different point of view other than mine, if ya know what I mean...

Hope alls well with you guys... mark