Announcement BOSS's $1,000,000.00 Casino Cash Challenge II

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FlowerChat Administrator
Oct 31, 2002
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BOSS's $1,000,000.00 Casino Cash Challenge II

1st Prize: $500,000.00 in casino cash
2nd Prize: $250,000.00 in casino cash
3rd Prize: $100,000.00 in casino cash
4-9 Prize: $25,000.00 in casino cash

Round two! Today through October 31st, 2009, which coincidentally is the 7th Anniversary of FlowerChat, we're running a "challenge" to spread the word and increase membership in our community. And you can win casino cash for your efforts!

We're tracking referrals of new members and will award the above casino cash amounts based on new members that use your referral code and join FlowerChat.

Now's a perfect time you have many opportunities to talk to other florists when sending and receiving orders or discussing the state of the industry or the world. Tell them about FlowerChat, get their email address and send them the link to your referral code (Community Tab, "Invite your friends") and the system will track your referrals.

Game on!
Community Tab above> Invite Friends

Enter their Email address and message to them, the system will generate a set of links to go with your note, including your referral code...

We'll take care of the rest...
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You can also use a straight referral link, if you're emailing a bunch of people:
Send them to: <-- The "XX" should be replaced with your user number. You can easily find your user number by checking the URL of your profile page, or hovering your mouse over your username.

If I hover over "BOSS" in the post above, I see the link points to:

Therefore BOSS's referral URL is:


And so on ...
Link does not work.....I hovered over all of us and got what. I dont want to send individual can you fix this?
When you hover over a name, the data appears in the very bottom of your browser...done there in the bottom where it says "done" right now...
Still isnt working.....I need my casino cash....whats the deal? lol

Click on username,
see the drop down screen,
mouse over view public profile,
read url at the bottom left of your browser (this tells you the url page your browser will go to if you click on the link),
the last number is your referral code...

Mine is 374...

Trying out a quick hack I just wrote:

Your personalized referral link is:[youid]
Logged out...copied and pasted the link and this is what I got....

This link appears to be broken
Please try

So what am I doing wrong....and if I put this where they can link to it, it takes them to my page which has no instructions to do anything but read stuff about me....
Huh? Are holding your left pinky in the air when you hit enter?

Hold on a right back...
Yup...that must be your problem...

Sher, when I logged out and used the link in Ryan's post with your userid I got the register page, with your name as referrer...

yours would be

I logged out , did a copy and paste and got the missing link message...what are folks "suppose" to see?
If I use it like I inteneded aI want to get the credit for the new member and at this rate I wont...sheesh...just give me the

You are copying the shortened URL:

When you should be using:

I'm gonna give you an easier way Sher.

No clicking/logging out or anything.

Go to the main page that lists all the forums......

You see the little box up top to the right that says in Bold letters Welcome ( your user name )

Ok - Now, look down at your screen to where you see the line that has the start button, the time on the other end.......and some stuff in between.
Now, There is a blank line above the area where the start menu is

See it.....??

Ok....Now, MOVE YOUR MOUSE cursor over your user name......leave it there.

Now, look down at the line above the start button line on your computer screen......there is your info.
Thanks Ricky but Ryan made a change so I could write a blog..there was a glitch between what you can normally use and the blog software or something over my head.
I was just relieved that I wasn't dumber than a

Or that Ryan was keeping me from attempting to win all that dough...I have told him at least a dozen times that he "rigs" my game play in blackjack so that I dont win...after all it could NOT be my playing skills. I think he bangs his head at least once a week when I pm him beatching and

I have told him at least a dozen times that he "rigs" my game play in blackjack so that I dont win...after all it could NOT be my playing skills.

Typical addictive thinking.
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