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  • Hi there, Thanks for the cute pop tart. My real name is Maria... I will try and add that more often to my posts. Your a sweetie, thanks!

    Ok I owe you some pimping big sis!
    instead of master J, you can call me pimp master :fdevil:
    Hi NavyBrat,

    I just realized you left me a message 4 days ago. How rude of me not to answer sooner!! My real name is Laura.
    I too am a FC addict! Cheers
    that is my daughter Jennifer, just prior to her going into surgery for a broken finger. It was taken last Sept/Oct.
    Thank you so much for your lovely message. I just stumbled upon how to reply, by clicking on your name(I'm on turtle speed w/anything tech)! Yes, we are surviving in this weather. Lot's of iced coffee and no sleep, attempting to read thousands of threads on flowerchat. This is very addicting.
    Wow - what a pimped up page..... thanks for the entertaining chat this evening - you're a star..! SEX - (Just thought I would have the final word)...LOL
    Thank you! I purchased a shop 2 years ago that was wire only, and I knew that I had a big job ahead to turn it to a walk in/call in customer base. I have turned it so my last two holidays were more of the local customer than wire services. I must be doing something right as my competitor sent a shoper in to slam my shop and I have found two other negatives about my business and praising theirs. One good thing is I was able to have them removed for all the sites, even the one posted on decidio where the person slammed me in the review for their shop. As my Husband says to me - "Honey you must be doing something right and stepping on toes. I am looking forward to getting ideas to grow my business and suceed at it.
    Dear Diane: TOTO is a an old FTDA nickname I gave to myself back in the day and when the EVIL 800 FLYING MONKEYS had invaded our old FTDA. And so, I cast the characters as follows:

    John A. Borden, Executive Manager= THE WIZARD of OZ
    Jim Jordan, second in command=THE LION
    Cathy Hickman, FTDA President 1993=DOROTHY
    John Partridge, FTDA President 1994=THE SCARECROW
    Jim McCann, 800=THE TIN MAN
    Peggy Doyle, FTDA President 1989= WICKED WITCH OF THE EAST

    And lasty, MEE, as TOTO, who always barked to warn Dorothy of any impending danger from the EVIL800 FLYING MONKEYS.

    Sadly, and since we had so many of our own representives COMPROMISED by their 800 GOD, our old FTDA had no hopes of surviving HIS CANCER which invaded our member owned and operated CO-OP, which forced us to sell.

    In fact, I still believe that, his master plan was to bring our OLD FTDA to it's financial knees, at which point, he could come along, buy us out at ten cents on our dollar PRE 7-11 bankruptcy, and then be held as the SAVIOR of FTDA.

    However, THE PLAYER got OUT PLAYED by Richard Perry, who lied to us, and turned out to be just another Wall Street banker, whose only goal was to BUY IT UP, CHOP IT UP, and sell it off in only nine years to another company who wanted to drain us too.

    Someday, and if I ever get a life, I would love to write a book on this subject. I already have the title in mind.

    " The RAINBOW'S BLACK! The GOLD is GONE! "
    Well of course I'd love to have you on my buddy list :)
    If you've had enough of that sunshine, feel free to send some to the Pacific Northwest.... we're beginning to question if Summer will EVER get here.
    Have a great day!!
    Thanks for the friendy thingy. I've enjoyed having a community like this, and to see people grow with all this wisdom.
    Hello Diane,
    I appreciate the fact of including me in your meeting. I look forward to meeting with both of you. Let me know when your getting together...
    It's hard for me to meet later in the week due to events & weddings.
    Again, looking forward!
    Thanks for the polar apple photo. Made me laugh. Stay safe on those late nite walks. Suzanne
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