Dear Diane: TOTO is a an old FTDA nickname I gave to myself back in the day and when the EVIL 800 FLYING MONKEYS had invaded our old FTDA. And so, I cast the characters as follows:
John A. Borden, Executive Manager= THE WIZARD of OZ
Jim Jordan, second in command=THE LION
Cathy Hickman, FTDA President 1993=DOROTHY
John Partridge, FTDA President 1994=THE SCARECROW
Jim McCann, 800=THE TIN MAN
Peggy Doyle, FTDA President 1989= WICKED WITCH OF THE EAST
And lasty, MEE, as TOTO, who always barked to warn Dorothy of any impending danger from the EVIL800 FLYING MONKEYS.
Sadly, and since we had so many of our own representives COMPROMISED by their 800 GOD, our old FTDA had no hopes of surviving HIS CANCER which invaded our member owned and operated CO-OP, which forced us to sell.
In fact, I still believe that, his master plan was to bring our OLD FTDA to it's financial knees, at which point, he could come along, buy us out at ten cents on our dollar PRE 7-11 bankruptcy, and then be held as the SAVIOR of FTDA.
However, THE PLAYER got OUT PLAYED by Richard Perry, who lied to us, and turned out to be just another Wall Street banker, whose only goal was to BUY IT UP, CHOP IT UP, and sell it off in only nine years to another company who wanted to drain us too.
Someday, and if I ever get a life, I would love to write a book on this subject. I already have the title in mind.