You Were The First To Welcome Me To Flowerchat I Wish I Could Have Helped You Move Would Love To See Pics Of The New Shop And Thank You I Love Flowerchat And All My New Friends.
Hey Victoria,
I put a new photo on your page...there was a problem with the other pic! I just go and change things whenever I feel like it! Tracy and I will definitely get you into ~pimping~ after you make the big move! Good luck and dump that clutter!!!
Hello Victoria never really thanked you for being one of the first people to welcome me to flowerchat I have found lots of great information and had many laughs as well Thanks.
Sooo easy Victoria - see that button "customize profile"? Click that, and it will send you into the "backroom" to change colors of all the gray blocks, the text type, text color etc etc. It takes some fooling around, but not at all hard. There is a preview button.