Just got back from Florida...
and thought I was gonna die!!
Not only did Peter, ex-owner of Ada's Flower Shop in Oakville work me to death while we were there, on the way back, we hit a deer on Interstate90, just at the 271 interchange, smashed the bejesus out of the van, and kept on going, because I KNOW that deer collided with more than just us!!
I ALMOST managed to swerve out of the way, and at most would have take out the side view mirror, BUT, I was on the INSIDE lane, heading EAST, cars and heavy trucks all around, it was just beginning early morning daybreak,and I had NO IDEA what the shoulder was made of, whether soft, or paved.
Had I not swerved, it was head on, Peter was asleep in the passenger seat at the time, and ALL I could envision, was this deer through the windscreen,and noplace to turn, or stop!!
You know those deer crossing signs??...I think highways should post "car crossing" signs for the deer!!