It seems that hour by hour this whole thing is erupting into a full scale disaster.
I had the opportunity to convey my concerns, and displeasure to several very helpful and cooperative people today, amidst a 5 hour flurry of phone calls and messages asking ME WTF was going on.
I had no intelligent answers for anyone today as what I have learned is so off the charts. There is no sense to any of this.
" You don't register for a triathlon right after you had a leg cut off " SORRY !
My take on all of this may mean nothing. Maybe I'm just resistant to the "new" floral industry. Maybe I'm not cut out for it after all ! Hmmmmm, let me ponder this a bit !
Here it comes.................
Nope...............I pay you for membership, you in turn collect a fee to transfer orders to me because I pay you a hefty sum.
I buy containers, pay technology fees and all else associated, and then you take my substantial monies, every month, to subsidize your ventures into drop shipping, allow the rampant use of deceptive advertising by member shops, create alternative cloaked portals designed to sway orders from the paying members, and then send discounted orders that only drop shippers can fill.
The very substance and core of this industry that is victimized daily is the member florist, the cash cow, that you attract with rebates and incentives. Will it last ?
Heck no, it can't, and then all those that benefit from the constant screwing of the Mom and Pop shops will be in the same boat.
Sucks doesn't it, or did they neglect to mention that?
Exemption, yeah, OK !
Money is money, pride is something totally different. Can they co-exist in these times ?
Guess we'll have to wait and see while some drag their feet hoping that big brother will continue the cash flow.
The Internet, unregulated,will be the downfall of American, and International Society.
Those of us that caught on to big spaldings......Ooorahhhh..........those awaiting the continuance of the pot of gold..........Beware !
IMHO of course ! But..........what do I know ?