If you want to know the actual number of screen the a user "sees" during the order entry process in flowerSoft, the number can be as high as 157 although in most cases it is less than 100.
A more accurate way would be to talk about different sections, not screens. flowerSoft has 5 or 6 different sections depending on the order type.
1. "Sold To" Information
2. Recipient Information
3. Items Sold
4. Enclosure Card
5. Method of Payment
6. Filling Florist Information
I don't see how any program can have less than that.
Sure Daisy can claim the show everything on one screen, but that is not really true because it is physically impossible when you work with an 80x25 screen area.
To get more area than that, you have to make the characters smaller and therefore harder to read.
Of course, if you can scroll down past the 25th line and to the right past the 80th column, you can claim that you only use one screen but you really cannot see all the information without scrolling.
For example, you can only see one or two messages at a time, but a "page" can contain many more messages. As a matter of fact, there probably is no need to have pages at all, like on the other board.
The problem with the "Show Printable Version" button is that is too far down the page and out of sight most of the time, so even if you've seen it before you might forget it is there.
flowerSoft also uses the bettom 4 lines of the screen to show "help" for EVERY field entered by the user. This is done ito be as "user friendy" as possible.
For example, when you click on the "Show Printable Version" button, there are no instructions on how the get back to the "Non-Printable Version. Furtheremore, if you click on the button while composing your message, you will lose it, like it just happened to me a few minutes ago.
It is not the first time I've lost a message either. Sometimes if you go over the allowed length and you get the warning, you lose the message when you click on the back arrow.
In any case, it really doesn't matter how many screens a program has as long as they are transparent to the user. I think it is more important to be user friendly and easy on the eyes.
Blue/Charlotte/Grimsley do you have any problems with flowerSoft's order entry screens?