about wire services

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Oct 31, 2002
Swift Current, Saskatchewan
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yesterday someone called me from1-800-Flowers ( Bloom Net) and asked me to join their wire service. as they are going to drop Teleflora. I'm not formiluar with them. Can someone please help me here? I belong to Tel. and FTD and am not happy with the cost of it. among other things.... Thanks Leona
I am new to 1-800, I joined in Nov06.Having no clue as to what I was in for, I am not familiar with any other wire service so not able to compare. However I will say I am not pleased with 1-800. I am still trying to get $677 credit for bad product, product shipped to me with out ordering,plus delviery fee issues. I do not like the idea of working in the dark for a month only to find out the nasty details on the next months report. Their set price point work against you. Enough said.
As crazy as it may sound to you new FC members, I would have to say that the very very last thing that you should be worrying about when open a new shop/taking over a flower business is what GD wire service you should belong to!! Trust me as someone who went through the exact path 4.5 years ago.

Does the words MLM mean anything to you? Right now, you are being actively recruited by the WSs to be the "dupe" that they can dump unprofitable orders upon in your filling area. With the entrenched order gatherers that permeate your area (pick up you local YP and look under "florist", you will see what I mean), you will be relegated to paying the WS to fill their under-funded orders. Do you really think that is the way to kick-start a fledging business??

As much as you want to believe that by simply plugging into a WS that money and success as a florist are going to come to you, you are FAR FAR better if you just stay away from the WS for now and focus focus focus on LOCAL MARKETING and BUILDING YOUR BRAND in the hearts and the minds of your local customers.

The WS bank on gullible, uninformed people such as you to keep thier profits riding high. Good luck, and I hope this helps you all make your decisions.

I really thought it was a necessity to have a WS. So now that most all of you have stated it isn't, how do you find a "qualified" florist when you get an order for 2000 miles away?

With the WS's signing up every other qualified or non qualified florist and grocery store in town, it's a crap shoot sending through the WS's as well. It is NOT a necessity to have a WS unless you are sending copious amounts of flowers each month.

Direct sending isn't fool proof either. I have literally had two problems in three years and in both cases the receiving florist ADMITTED that they forgot the order or just thought that the sender wouldn't be at the funeral service. WTF?! I marked both of these florists on my DNS list and moved on.

I understand that the larger shops need a viable method of sending flowers but, if you are a small florist like me, you don't need anything but the internet and a credit card to send out orders. I can't afford to pay another company to compete against me...so I don't.

Do a search on Wire Services here at Flower Chat or browse the Wire Services section of the forum. You will find many pro's and con's for being a member of a WS.

Best Wishes and Good Luck!!
there is a florist directory here: http://realflorists.flowerchat.com

you can go online and use google local
you can go online and use "locate-a-flowershop" type directories

you can keep your old Tf and FDS directories and use those.
How do I get listed?

Can anyone help us get listed as a Minnesota Florist on Realflorists? I signed up and logged in but I cannot for the life of me figure out how the heck to get listed under MN florist. Maybe I should just go to happy hour now.:beer
I really thought it was a necessity to have a WS. So now that most all of you have stated it isn't, how do you find a "qualified" florist when you get an order for 2000 miles away?

Be careful what you read on forums....

Generalizing and comparing someother businesses' WS needs compared to your needs is a recipe for failure.

Do what you think is correct for your specific business.

You will hear alot of Vocal Anti WS ppl speak up here at FC and not many pro-WS provide a counter balance to them.

For me, I am downsizing my WS affiliation, but still remain with two TF memberships.

FTD, called yesterday and today and tried to keep me from leaving. Their offer to me today was, $99 flat fee, no reciprocity, no low sending, now qualilty assurance fees, etc; mercury fee a flat $20 per month until Nov 07 and a higher listing -- preference rating-- for FTD.Com orders.

I declined.

Don't let all the negativity published here cloud your good judgement.

Experiment, take a couple manageable risks with the WS's if it works for you great if it doesn't move on and cancel

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To continue.....

your goal, my goal and everyone else's goal is to maximize profit. That doesn't necessarily mean to maximize gross sales.

You have to balance your costs with sales. That is why I am experimenting with cancelling FTD.

My next business decission will be to discontinue one of the TF memberships.

After a year, I will re-evaluate my net profit/loss of ws affiliation.

Part of my decision to quit FTD is based the fact that I have been receiving FTD orders from area florists.

Most of these flower shops will be able to contact me directly or through TF.

The two large grocery stores in the STL market also use me and send FTD. I know a few ppl at both stores and it will be a matter of talking to them directly and letting them know I can still handle their business.

The era of multiple ws affiliation for any flower shop is ceasing.

If the big two, had any creativity they would work together and create a cross marketing scheme in order to become streamlined in order fullfillment.

Alas, I won't hold my breath for that to occur.

yesterday someone called me from1-800-Flowers ( Bloom Net) and asked me to join their wire service. as they are going to drop Teleflora. I'm not formiluar with them. Can someone please help me here? I belong to Tel. and FTD and am not happy with the cost of it. among other things.... Thanks Leona

So much of it has to do with the type of biz you have. Do you have a large wire out volume (100~150+ orders per month) or are you in it for the orders to fill? See, and Joe pointed out (correctly I might add) you will hear LOTS of opinions about WS's. But, you really have to do what dollar-wise makes sense for your biz.

We have been FTD since 1928, TEL since 1973, and up until Dec. 31, 2005, were with 800 - for 9 years. We dropped 800 - well basically because we were tired of dealing with all their crap, and losing $ in the process. IF you need a BASIC wire service, I would say Bloomnet (BLM) is a viable option - BUT ONLY if it's the only one you need. And, do NOT fill for 800...you will LOSE $ in the long run. (yes you can have BLM and choose not to recieve orders from 800 flowers.)

Good luck,

- Herb

Do a search here at FC on Bloomnet....you'll find TONS of stuff...
Leona, let me be the one to stir the pot up again. The word on the street says, that if you do NOT send out 5 outgoing to 1 incoming of WS business you will not make money. That's it in a nut shell.

My question is, what makes any 20-80-rebate program different then the rest? Nothing.

No more anti-WS for me, I want all my competion to join them all.
Can anyone help us get listed as a Minnesota Florist on Realflorists? I signed up and logged in but I cannot for the life of me figure out how the heck to get listed under MN florist. Maybe I should just go to happy hour now.:beer

Just PM mlou...I am pretty sure she is still the one to get in touch with. If she's not still updating this I am sure she can point you to the member that is :)
I appreciate the responses both positive and negative on WS. Making the final decision will be one that is based on our business. I was just surprised that some of your are going without. Years ago when I first started in floral you were judged by whether you had FTD or Tel. I'll look into BloomNet too, thanks for the info.
Generalizing and comparing someother businesses' WS needs compared to your needs is a recipe for failure.
A big AMEN! Each shop should do his/her own homework and understand the best choice.

FTD, called yesterday and today and tried to keep me from leaving. Their offer to me today was, $99 flat fee, no reciprocity, no low sending, now qualilty assurance fees, etc; mercury fee a flat $20 per month until Nov 07 and a higher listing -- preference rating-- for FTD.Com orders.
Joe - You are the first florist that I've ever heard FTD calling to ask to reconsider the decision to quit. Good job. They need you more than you need them - always the best position to be in. :>

I was just surprised that some of your are going without. Years ago when I first started in floral you were judged by whether you had FTD or Tel.
And in large markets, many florists are now judged (positively) by their lack of WS affiliation. Charging more to deliver less isn't usually a good long-term business model.

Just my .02

Cathy (a WS member 'cuz it makes sense for our business today)
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AJoe - You are the first florist that I've ever heard FTD calling to ask to reconsider the decision to quit. Good job. They need you more than you need them - always the best position to be in. :>

And in large markets, many florists are now judged (positively) by their lack of WS affiliation. Charging more to deliver less isn't usually a good long-term business model.

They tried keeping me with my other FTD membership two years ago also.

Their problem with these offers is that it is a "bandaid" remedy.

The idea is to string florists along "for a few more months" and then the floris will forget to try and cancell again.

If FTD had anysense at all, they would be directing their efforts at lowering their membership fees for everyone.

Increasing member fees act as a disincentive for continued and expanded participation!

It will be interesting to see my backstabbing competitor (i only have one of these types of competittors as I get along with the other shop well and have been happy to help her when she needed help) receiving orders for the greater Carlyle area and having to make 60 mile round trip delivery with $35 FTD.com orders.

The good -- "fun" -- part is that she won't know how far out these deliveries are until she calls for directions.

Cathy: your second comment is right on the mark: Most large metropolitan are flower shops don't need the WS business anymore as much as small town florists do. Those incoming orders do help cover the fixed costs of operating a business.

Positive energy mixed with negative energy are two of the key ingredients to making successful decisions. One cannot exist without the other.
Lots of very powerful guiding statements here folks.
As always Joe seems to nail it.
Okay, So none of it makes sense. I joined 1-800 thinking it would give me great exposure and grow my flower business.1-800 is competing against me(the florist they wanted to help ) with price points so low I cant fill the orders.So far the only sensible thing I have done is using Flower Shop Network for sending my orders.
sweetpeas, you say you started in Nov 06...just exactly how many orders are you wiring a week, if you don't mind me asking? I find it hard to believe that a shop that has only been open for 3 months is already getting enough wireout volumn to be profitable.

You really need to get out your spreadsheet program and run the numbers...unless, as Jerry says, you are sending 4 or 5 to 1 in, you will be basically working as a profitless filler so big nOGs/dOGs can make their 20% on the back of your loss.

I know its hard to get your head around the changes in the industry in only 5 years, but with internet OGing and direct ship, eaking profitablity from a new shop is a VERY VERY difficult thing...
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