Tracy D'Amico
Well-Known Member
First, welcome.I am registered in the state and I do pay taxes and have all the occupational and zoning licenses necessary for my state and local city.
My question to you and this forum is simple. I've looked at other posts and other folks do not seem to be getting the drill like I am. Why is that? Quiet frankly I don't see the reason for all this. I'm not here as a threat to any one. I was just looking for a forum to join with florist and possibly learn of new floral vendors in my area. However, it's been one negative comment about either my website or a picture or whatever. For goodness sake folks this is floral blog! Not a floral witch hunt!
If this is the attitude here and the nature of this forum then I am not interested. Because all I have been made to feel like is HS if you aren't part of the clique you're going to be put down. Come folks grow up and diversify!!!
Second, the reason for the questioning is to maintain the forum for professional business people - there are topics discussed here that many feel should not be public information. The questions are designed to determine if you are a professional floral related business (hence the % floral question) as opposed to event plannning only (you'd need a different forum for that!), if you're legal (licensed w/your state authorities, pay taxes & all that).
It's not a witch hunt, it's the best way we've found to filter through the people who stumble upon this site & think it might be "fun" to dabble in flowers for a while .... clearly you're not that. Sorry if it comes across as drilling - I have the feeling if we were meeting in person, these questions would still come up, but be more subtly asked within a longer conversation - the coldness of the written word loses some of that.
Regardless, you're in - I hope that means you'll post often your ideas & thoughts as well as read ours!
Welcome, again.