Rick - all your girls must have had 'man arms'. Those old elastic wristlets flop around like crazy on small-boned girls.
For budget wristlets, we like the Oasis velcro sets and paint them to match the dress color.
For Premium designs, we use either hand crafted wire bracelets or Fitz Designs bases.
Chez - I feel your pain. Had Homecoming last weekend and a Mom complained the corsage wasn't big enough & didn't have babies breath. Seriously, she was expecting a 1970's wrist-to-elbow number with loads of dangling ribbons. Didn't matter that she picked a photo entirely different than what she said she expected and wouldn't budge above $25 with our sales clerk to the time of purchase.
Am starting to loathe all sales when we are trying to please 3 people - Mother, son & girl (who would HATE us if we made what the Mom said she expected.)
I will go on the record saying I'm not fond of ribbon-only bases/ties for wrist corsages. They're very challenging to put on and take off and the knot where the tie goes can be uncomfortable. Have 1 designer who loves them, but they're not my personal favorite.
Still, the young man could have asked and given you an opportunity to add the old-fashioned elastic version....
I too believe it was more likely that his Mom wrote the review. Give him a call, pretend you didn't see the review and ask him how his date liked the flowers. Ask if you can speak to her for feedback, too - and offer them gift certificates to be part of your new Teen Focus Group.
For budget wristlets, we like the Oasis velcro sets and paint them to match the dress color.
For Premium designs, we use either hand crafted wire bracelets or Fitz Designs bases.
Chez - I feel your pain. Had Homecoming last weekend and a Mom complained the corsage wasn't big enough & didn't have babies breath. Seriously, she was expecting a 1970's wrist-to-elbow number with loads of dangling ribbons. Didn't matter that she picked a photo entirely different than what she said she expected and wouldn't budge above $25 with our sales clerk to the time of purchase.
Am starting to loathe all sales when we are trying to please 3 people - Mother, son & girl (who would HATE us if we made what the Mom said she expected.)
I will go on the record saying I'm not fond of ribbon-only bases/ties for wrist corsages. They're very challenging to put on and take off and the knot where the tie goes can be uncomfortable. Have 1 designer who loves them, but they're not my personal favorite.
Still, the young man could have asked and given you an opportunity to add the old-fashioned elastic version....
I too believe it was more likely that his Mom wrote the review. Give him a call, pretend you didn't see the review and ask him how his date liked the flowers. Ask if you can speak to her for feedback, too - and offer them gift certificates to be part of your new Teen Focus Group.