Big Thanks

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Staff member
Oct 31, 2002
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Thank you to everyone who came to dinner at Tucker's last night - I think we all had a wonderful time. Surprisingly, the people at Tucker's let us in again, even after our last visit (we have a habit of staying a bit after closing.) I think the strategy of making reservations under a different name each time is working!

A big thanks to the lovely Caroline and your friendly neighbourhood Mercury installer Mike from FTD who very graciously picked up the tab for dinner and handled all questions and comments with a helpful and positive attitude.

I'm looking forward to seeing Mikey's pictures!
I agree Justin and I had a great evening (he more that I as I was up at 5am that morning buying flowers!!) Thanks Mike from FTD for picking up the tab.

Suzy - New to the board!!!!:>
Hi Suzy! Good to see your name...and for once I know the face before hand. :) It was such a pleasure to meet you and Justin last night. I look forward to more input and laughter in the near future.

I will add my thank you to Caroline and Mike here as well...put it in a different place earlier before systems crashed due to a virus...
Hi Suzy
Did not meet you last night, I am located in Atlantic Canada, New Brunswick!
So you know a littoe about me, I am one of the regular boardies, always reading and almost always posting!!!
Enjoy this board, Lots of news, education, etc..enjoy :)
Suzy...has worked VERY HARD...

at making an "average" florist shop, into a destination store! She and Justin have done a MARVELLOUS job at Ada's Flowershop in Oakville, Ontario, and ANY orders I get for that area go to Suzy and staff.
A VERY talented and energetic young lady Suzy is........
Welcome to FlowerChat..the EXCLUSIVE FLORISTS ONLY chat site on the net...NO raff riff....:grovel:
I look forward to meeting you in the future Suzy and Justin, BN is looking for a good member in Oakville.

Chief Floral Geek (Founder)
Blossoms Network Floral Services
Wow - you guys, thanks for all the well wishes I am looking forward to learning more and meeting more of you.

"Friendships link and loop and interweave until they mesh the world"
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