Bloomnet Ask Florist to Take Hit.

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I'm new to this W/S deal and want to know why they send orders that are virtually impossible to fill.

Because they can. Because someone will accept the opportunity to lose money.

The hell with them

:hammer:Why bother with bloomnet, Their rep told me last year when i dropped them that you only make money on sending orders not on receiving, that's why there is so many order gatherers out there. I say Drop them all call a florist direct use your credit card earn the miles and usually the florist will give you a 20% discount. We get calls everyday like that and I use IFA and call shops directly
I agree with last poster, they are now offering $5 rebates to be sending only member! Can you say OG wire service!!! It's a great deal for sending only but thats the whole problem, they can't get anybody to fill! We get at least a couple 1-800-flowers orders over the dove everyday, always ridiculous requests and prices, and always get refused, why are they sending over the TF dove when they should be sending bloomnet???Seems to me they are having trouble getting their junk filled by anybody!:musical:
That is the very reason we got rid of them. Spent more time asking for the correct $$$ than acutally filling the orders. No money to be made there.
I agree with last poster, they are now offering $5 rebates to be sending only member! Can you say OG wire service!!! It's a great deal for sending only but thats the whole problem, they can't get anybody to fill! We get at least a couple 1-800-flowers orders over the dove everyday, always ridiculous requests and prices, and always get refused, why are they sending over the TF dove when they should be sending bloomnet???Seems to me they are having trouble getting their junk filled by anybody!:musical:

Are those orders comig throught headquarters of f2f???
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