Last week I met with Dan Fisher, the president of Fitz Design. This was my first time meeting Dan face to face, though I had spoken with and emailed him many times. I was extremely impressed with his tremendous business knowledge, marketing ideas and people skills as well as their business model. In the course of our meeting, my dad asked Dan "Do you read alot?" Dan answered, "yes." So I later emailed him and asked for some recommendations of books that have helped him in business. He was good enough to share with me a LONG list. Although I am extremely busy and have a hard time reading due to my neck injury, I have decided to try to start reading some of these in hopes of improving my business skills. Well, actually I will be listening to them as audio downloads from
But then I had an idea - how about a book club? Via FC and Facebook. We pick one book per month. As we find points that we would like to implement, we share them with each other. And then share (hopefully) our success stories.
Anyone in?
If so... here are my ideas for requirements:
1) The book must be available in print and version (they have 75,000 titles available, I think we will be able to find something we can all agree on.)
2) The books MUST be related to business - I don't think many of us have time to read novels.
My proposed first book is: Guerilla Marketing: Fourth Edition by Jay Levinson
So, what do you think?
But then I had an idea - how about a book club? Via FC and Facebook. We pick one book per month. As we find points that we would like to implement, we share them with each other. And then share (hopefully) our success stories.
Anyone in?
If so... here are my ideas for requirements:
1) The book must be available in print and version (they have 75,000 titles available, I think we will be able to find something we can all agree on.)
2) The books MUST be related to business - I don't think many of us have time to read novels.
My proposed first book is: Guerilla Marketing: Fourth Edition by Jay Levinson
So, what do you think?