Oh man, that budget-bride.com place is pathetic. Personally I hate silk flowers and we don't sell them. That's not the point. The lies and well, I had to write them, too. Couldn't hold back. Hubby helped me, he was even disgusted with their ethics, or rather lack of. This is what we emailed them.
Looks like the name of your game is, "How low can you go?". Your sales tactics leave a lot to be desired. Do you not have anything to offer potential customers that can stand alone on it's own merit? Is bashing the real florists something you can do and be proud of?
I'm disgusted at the things you say about florists. Don't know what florists you visited but you sure didn't visit me or my florist friends.
Our wedding book is priced. Period!
You say most flower shops charge 3X labor because it takes longer due to lack of training. What is that? I've never head such dribble or plain lies.
You say "Most florists are inefficient in ordering the accurate amount of fresh product for your wedding and usually charge the bride accordingly so the florist doesn't assume a loss." You people simply make me sick to my stomach. Your pure unadulterated lies to procure customers is a monumental example of how many businesses today conduct business using underhanded methods. It is this type of behavior that causes any potential customer to any business to be suspicious. You are the epitome of a Better Business Bureau nightmare.
Cheap is as cheap does."
I don't think anything will change, but they need to hear it, just to keep the truth in front of their faces. More florists should email them. I sure hope they email me back, would love to hear what they have to say.