Canuck in da House

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CLaudia, a very nice name.
Now did you ask her about the other things i mentioned in my post.
I want to know if she likes any of them?
Matane? Wow thats in the middle of nowhere, ask her if she likes shrimp. lol "Les p'tites crevettes de Matane", thats pretty much what the town is known for. I visited Matane on a long road trip last October (cause thats when we finally get time off) and everything was closed. Its a very small town with wonderful people but dont expect much when the summer is over. Everyone closes up shop and cottages get boarded up till next season. This must be a big trip for her, especially if its the first time she leaves home.
The perfect food for your Canadian guest and for yourself and your whole family is (she probably brought some of her own)


I think I'll go and have some now to help celebrate Canada Day


RED RIVER CEREAL belongs at the bottom of the Red River
......Pierogies forever!!
Pierogies aren't Canadian though... but I agree about where the RRC should be... except the river would then stop flowing!

The only place I ever ate Red River cereal was at Camp Akomak on Ahmic Lake, and that will be the only place I have ever eat Red River Cereal!
To paraphrase that old Delta blues singer

RED RIVER CEREAL belongs at the bottom of the Red River

2, 3, 4
If the river bottom is Red River
I would be a diving duck, I would swim to the bottom Lord
and I would never come up.
You'd never come up because of the gelatinous mass congealing in your little duck stomach, therefore causing you to sink like a stone. Years would pass and the only thing remaining of your duck existence, would be a unusually shaped rock of unknown origin. "day is done, gone the sun, and the duck whose life was plucked by RRC..." so sad, I think I shall weep and weep and weep some more...

Dam n it's time for dinner. No duck or RRC for this girl. ;)

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