Casino Cash Donation

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Try these two ERIC!

I figure since I can't post fast enough that I could ask for more casino cash.

We can use this thread to ask for donations.


Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid

Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi
[email protected]

Both of them got the U.S. TREASURY on STAND BY to print up the 1 Trillion in cash they plan to hand out like HALLOWEEN CANDY.

I'm sure they'll be more than happy to contribute a few C notes to your CASINO account, albeit with a 60% cut on your WINNINGS!

Well... I've had one bail out. And I seem to be broke again. I guess I need like 100 million.

This dealer did NOT read the book. He (or she?) pulls more 20's and 21's from a 5 or 6 showing!! That's a bust card - darn it!!!! (see my nice language)
Well seeing as i am such a kindhearted soul and never intend to go into the casino, i will give you my cash, tell me how to do it and i will. WEll some of it, might keep some for a rainy day:spin
Well... I've had one bail out. And I seem to be broke again. I guess I need like 100 million.

This dealer did NOT read the book. He (or she?) pulls more 20's and 21's from a 5 or 6 showing!! That's a bust card - darn it!!!! (see my nice language)

Aha! Another blackjack player!

(Yeah, I noticed the tricky counting too.)
I haven't gone in there they have slots? I'm much more comfortable with that instead of cards. Although I do really well at roulette...won my friends a good amount of money by telling them which color to bet on. If they asked it was always the wrong one...I told them when I felt it...they always won.
My addiction and now demise in this casino is probably a good indication that I should never go to Vegas. Although, if someone does not want their cash, I would happily gamble away yours as well!!!!
ok I'm excited...I just won $500!!! cool beans!

I'll trade this can of spam for $1
I'll take your nasty Spam, but you'll have to pay ME the $1. lol
I'll take your nasty Spam, but you'll have to pay ME the $1. lol

Spam is good stuff! Especially Hawaiian Spam Musubi, mmm....good

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