Columbus, OH Event: Exclusive Offer for FlowerChat Members

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Oct 31, 2002
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FlowerChat Member Exclusive Offer
Three-for-One Deal You Can't Ignore!

It's a given that every flower shop needs a website, right? That's something we've all come to recognize by now. The question is, where to start? How to choose a website provider? What happens after the site is launched?

With impeccable timing, FlowerChat member FelicityFlowers has organized a social get together for FlowerChat members in Ohio, Kentucky, Pensylvania, Indiana and neighbouring states. The gathering will be held in Columbus, OH, on September 21st.

I say impeccable timing because the Small Business Marketing Unleashed conference is happening in Columbus on the 22nd-23rd. This is the best conference for small business owners to learn about practical methods of online marketing.

Since the Strider team are such strong believers in the importance of florists adapting to online marketing for the survival of the retail florist industry, and we love (LOVE!) having florists get together, we've decided to present you with this special offer for FlowerChat members.

Read to the bottom of this message for details on this "3 for 1" opportunity.

Social Get Together
Columbus, OH - Sept 21, 2008

Organized by Heather from Felicity Flowers, this will be an informal social gathering of FlowerChat members. No cost other than what you consume!

Early indications are there could be florists from 4-5 surrounding states coming together - why not take some time and join the group for some fun times.
RSVP here, please

Small Business Marketing Unleashed

Columbus, OH - Sept 22-23, 2008

This is a conference unlike any other I've been to. In fact, when we planned the Floral Summit '08, my input to the planning was based on the previous SBMU conference. It was that good!

This event works because of the relaxed atmosphere. Everyone in attendance is a small business owner looking to learn about expanding their marketing efforts. The audience is small, the speakers are remarkably friendly, and the workshops are very interactive and informal. Best of all, you leave with material from the speakers to help you put what you've learned into action.

Learn more about Small Business Marketing Unleashed

Florist 2.0 Website
Advanced florist ecommerce & SEO

Retail florists have unique requirements when it comes to selling flowers online. At Strider we've taken our expertise in SEO and our knowledge of the floral industry and created "Florist 2.0" - the next step in e-commerce for florists. Florist 2.0 sites give you a customized appearance, complete control over site contents and an optimized search engine friendly platform.

Learn more about Florist 2.0 from our demo site

The Deal!!
All three for the price of one!

Florist 2.0 websites sell for $1,000 for each customized site, and they are a bargain at that price. For one week only, if you register for the Small Business Marketing Unleashed conference, you can purchase a Florist 2.0 site for only $250.

That's $1,000 for the best website for florists AND the best conference on small business marketing. You get a website and learn how to use it from the best in the business - the SBMU speakers.

As a free bonus, you get to join with other FC members for some fun times on the 21st in Columbus at Heather's get together event!

That's 3x awesome for the price of a website you know you need anyway :)

Please contact Strider to register
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