I found by having a shopping cart, I'm able to up sale more balloons, candy and stuffed animals.
However I wish more people would use my web-site. I have to say, they do use it as a good
referance to what they want when they call in the order.
I invite any info that can help get more online orders, and any feed back on my web-site.
Thank you for all your time and for looking.
First may i say that if you want more feedback, please start a thread, I think you may get more response.
I love your site, love the little coat hangers that represent tabs. Also think it is very functional but unique looking. If i had any criticism it would be that the "add to cart" writing was just a bit bigger. i have no problem with my eye site but i would imagine someone who did may have trouble reading it. I love the simplicity of your add ons.
Very nice and very impressed.
I think with regards to getting more people to use it, i have the same problem. i get 2 -3 orders per week at most but i probably get 4 - 5 orders a day from it and also umpteen wedding consults which turn to weddings.
I dont think there is anything that you can do except market to death that you can order online. Some people just prefer to talk and i have to admit, i am one of those people. (ps i have no idea why my writing has gone into italics, think i hit a key by mistake... oops)