Credit Card Scam Targets Florists

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Staff member
Oct 31, 2002
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This is actually an old scam, but since FC saw fit to publish this again, I guess it might still be a problem.


New Credit Card Scam Targets Florists
Flowers Canada has learned that a new trend in credit card fraud is targeting florists. Florists are particularly at risk because of their terrific customer service and commitment to problem solving for their customers. Here is how the fraud is occurring.
An order is placed by phone for pickup. As part of the 'gift' they also ask for a certain amount in cash (sometimes several hundred dollars), also to be charged to the credit card they provide over the phone. They might claim that they are going straight to a party and won't have time to stop at the bank machine, or that they want to include the cash in an envelope as a "gift" to go along with a baby or birthday arrangement, etc. They arrive to pick up the flowers (and the cash) and in the cases that have come to our attention, the employee has not asked to see the credit card or had the purchaser sign a receipt.
Of course, when the charge is later disputed (because the card number was either stolen or used without cardholder authorization), the shop is not only out the wholesale cost of the flowers and their labour, but they are now out straight cash as well.
As a general rule, any in-store purchase or pickup should involve the clerk taking an electronic swipe of the card, having the cardholder sign the receipt and verifying that the signature that matches the one on the back of the card. You might also wish to consider a 'no cash' policy in your store to avoid the situation completely. Please advise your staff of this scam and have them call the credit card company or bank if they suspect credit card fraud of any kind.
No cash back here...ever. :) We run the card as a matter of course also. Always have to be thinking I guess...
We are in the Detroit area and one time a lady from Seattle wanted to send her niece eighteen roses boxed with a $50.00 bill attached to each one (for her 18th birthday). We did this over the phone on her credit card and got a signature when we delivered the product with money and no problem.

Within a few days the credit card company called us to verify this purchase. They warned heavily against doing something like this again inthe future. She convinced me of this. We talked for quite awhile and it really is a stupid thing to do.

A couple years later the younger sister turned eighteen and she wanted to do it again. We told her she had to FEDEX us the money overnight or we couldn't do it. She did just that and all was fine.

Nice aunt, huh?
hmmmm....I wonder if she's up for adopting another niece...;)
No money here, either..always a good policy...
We even get florist sending us orders that requests money...
wont happen on 27% discount.....
That's funny and I bet there's lots of florists wouldn't think of the 27% and would probably do it!
Originally posted by bloomz
That's funny and I bet there's lots of florists wouldn't think of the 27% and would probably do it!

Or like the florist that calls without giving their name and asks for your best price on 90 long stem roses arranged for an 90th birthday.....than after you sharpen your pencil they say fine I'll send the order over the Merc/Dove!!!

BBJ is that LOCAL or Wire Out?

Yep, and WE need or GET that Information FIRST before we make the SALE.

I ask up front FIRST...and also ask first, "Which method of payment do you wish to use".

Stopping the Migration!
Re: BBJ is that LOCAL or Wire Out?

Originally posted by Blue Oyster Cult
Yep, and WE need or GET that Information FIRST before we make the SALE.

I ask up front FIRST...and also ask first, "Which method of payment do you wish to use".

Stopping the Migration!

YEP, ask 'em FIRST....for another reason too... CUSTOMER SERVICE....I love surprising folks....

Pull the customer up in Advantage, and have their intire order history in front of you...when sending to a previous recp. I can be off the phone in 30 seconds....some customers appreciate this...

And storing credit card info really surprises a good way...
No money ever here. We've had several people try this but we don't do it. We've had another florists in town tell the person that while they don't do this, we do. Thinks he's funny.

Re: Re: BBJ is that LOCAL or Wire Out?

Originally posted by BOSS
YEP, ask 'em FIRST....for another reason too... CUSTOMER SERVICE....I love surprising folks....

Pull the customer up in Advantage, and have their intire order history in front of you...when sending to a previous recp. I can be off the phone in 30 seconds....some customers appreciate this...

And storing credit card info really surprises a good way...

Hmmm... seems like the folks at Advantage have gotten a hold of a copy of flowerSoft. ;)
I don't mind, though. What do they say... imitation is the best compliment. That's why there are so many screen shots of flowerSoft out there for all to see. I must admit that I have imitated some RTI features because they ROCKED, like Shelby says. Unfortunately RTI is the only software I have seen in action because of couple of their customers switched over to flowerSoft.
Care to send a copy of Advantage's user manual? :D

Anyhow, my question to you BOSS is what has Advantage done, or have they done anything, about protecting the stored credit card numbers. A couple of years ago I had to do a LOT of work in flowerSoft to mask all but the last 4 numbers of a credit card and to prevent unauthorized (meaning without a supervisor's password) viewing of the credit card numbers. I met A LOT of resistance from the shop owners that were used to seeing the entire number but it was something that was required by the card companies.
Daisy has 1-button access to recipient info - has for years.

Never had a problem with securing card info, either. Printed work tickets only show the first few number of the card, but the whole number is available on screen for the operator to verify.
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