'Cuz if they/we didn't, our 'atta boys/girls' to others would mean zilch. (Every member as a rep score.)I do not think Admins really need TO HAVE REPS...
We (admins) could just rep each other back and forth and really throw the scale, but that's not what anyone on the admin team is about. We don't get any more pay for our rep levels. :tongueif they so chose, can manipulate whatever they want
I've never seen more trolling nor disrespect for fellow boardies as I have recently. Maybe it's the stress at work, or maybe it's false empowerment to think it's OK to repeatedly beat a dead horse and insult fine folks while not irritating them.There is way too much discussion over reps, too much use of red dots as retaliation for a post that may not be a "concensus" post and so on. It diminishes the value of FlowerChat.
Silly girl! I set my interface to display 20 posts per page (less flipping - I like it) so I'm still on Pg. 1. :> UserCP ---> Edit Options ---> Scroll down to 'Thread Display Options" and set "Number of Posts to Show Per Page" to "Show 20 Posts Per Page".Just posting so this can go to a third page, just for Ryan.
I hope we don't lose anyone over dots unless they're pushed over the edge earning red ones.I think Sher may be very right and I also think we just lost a very valuable poster (one of the very best) due to a couple undeserved (IMO) red dots.
Amen!maybe we need to be nicer to each other, and on the other, maybe we need to thicken our skins a little about these things.
I think that applies to a number of members recently, and especially our host who has taken a lot of bullets while trying to keep this place in balance and from turning into a degraded FB free-for-all.look at the browbeating some have taken or the rudeness some have rec'd..who would want to place themselves in a position to be on the receiving end of such nastiness/aggresivness..especially someone who actually has contributed significant meaningful posts...
I think that applies to a number of members recently, and especially our host who has taken a lot of bullets while trying to keep this place in balance and from turning into a degraded FB free-for-all.
IMO he's owed our thanks for his commitment to empowering locals and keeping this place free and welcome to all real florists.
it's NOT about vanity.
I think the departure of this valued poster that everyone is referring to has little to do with dots and everything to do with the continued adjustment of the system.
Yes the host and admin's have the right to make any adjustments they deem necessary, after all it's their board and they're doing all the work operating it. But the integrity of the reputation system is questioned when it is continually adjusted to favor one poster over another. This does not allow for an equally weighted environment.
When there are no repercussions on this "ranking" for certain posters, but there are for others, this creates an unequal playing field. A vulnerable poster may feel they cannot openly express their feelings without the fear of jeopardizing their reputation if it is against the non vulnerable ones.
If this dot system were not in place, this whole thing would be a non issue. Posters could freely post and moderators have the power to moderate. But when a poster is numerically rated by "rep power", no matter how trivial people feel this is, it still ranks one poster over another.
I'm not trying to stir the pot here, I'm just offering an explanation as to why some members are becoming annoyed with the adjustments to the rep power formula, or the reputation system in general.
I think the departure of this valued poster that everyone is referring to has little to do with dots and everything to do with the continued adjustment of the system.
Yes the host and admin's have the right to make any adjustments they deem necessary, after all it's their board and they're doing all the work operating it. But the integrity of the reputation system is questioned when it is continually adjusted to favor one poster over another. This does not allow for an equally weighted environment.
When there are no repercussions on this "ranking" for certain posters, but there are for others, this creates an unequal playing field. A vulnerable poster may feel they cannot openly express their feelings without the fear of jeopardizing their reputation if it is against the non vulnerable ones.
If this dot system were not in place, this whole thing would be a non issue. Posters could freely post and moderators have the power to moderate. But when a poster is numerically rated by "rep power", no matter how trivial people feel this is, it still ranks one poster over another.
I'm not trying to stir the pot here, I'm just offering an explanation as to why some members are becoming annoyed with the adjustments to the rep power formula, or the reputation system in general.
Members leaving FC because of "dots".....REALLY??...long time posters avoiding FC because of dots??......YOU want lottsa "dots" be an FC'er that contributes a lot, become an admin...if that's what makes your world go around!!
You're right...admins DON'T need dots......it's NOT about vanity.
the integrity of the reputation system is questioned when it is continually adjusted to favor one poster over another. This does not allow for an equally weighted environment.
When there are no repercussions on this "ranking" for certain posters, but there are for others, this creates an unequal playing field.
Is that what you really think?
If you think that's possible with our system, you're mistaken.
If you think that's the intention, you're so far off base that ... I don't even know what. It's just pathetically wrong. I'm sorry you feel that way - but if you believe that then there is no point in addressing this any further because you won't believe our answers.
Again - not sure where you're going with this. But I am surprised, as you seemed to be one of the most savvy in regards to the system. You have a good idea how vBulletin operates. I'm miffed.
Hmm...since I've been mentioned (Admin) I'll throw my 3 cents into the mix as well. Personally, I'd like to see the reputation system disappear, it means little to me, and is something I rarely use good or bad.Some posters rep powers are awarded periodic adjustments upward, where the others don't have this same opportunity. These adjustments appear to be an attempt to offset the weight that some other high rep posters carry. If a high rep power poster surpasses or threatens to surpass, say an admin, then the admin seems to be awarded more rep power points without acquiring them through the normal process. For example, this latest system adjustment allowed for all the admins to raise their rep power to 169, while the rest of us were lowered. If my observation is off base, please explain to me otherwise.
Red dots really do not carry any weight when given to these particular posters (admins), because the periodic adjustments will always keep them ahead of everyone else. It was disappointing to see certain invulnerable high rep powered posters use their power to threaten vulnerable posters with red dots if they spoke their opinion.
Why do the moderators need to use the reputation system to moderate the boards when they have the ultimate power of locking threads, suspending and/or banning posters if these posters choose to become hostile?