Do you offer a wrapped rose special??

Do youoffer an inexpensive wrapped rose special???

  • Yes

    Votes: 4 25.0%
  • No

    Votes: 6 37.5%
  • Sometimes -depends on season

    Votes: 6 37.5%

  • Total voters
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New Member
Nov 1, 2002
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We never did offer a wrapped rose special due to the philsophy that by doing so, we would "cheapen" our roses. We are known for having outstanding long stemmed imported roses. Now, I am not so sure. We occasionally get shoppers asking for "rose specials" and now that the economy has people on tighter budgets, maybe we should accomodate them? What do you think?

I occasionally do it only when I can get a better price from my supplier so I can almost make as good money.
For example this week I got mini carnation $2.50 a munch. I will cut and put them out at $5.95 a bunch as is...
We offer a doz 40 cm or sweethearts for 24.99 as a cash and carry special June to Nov (usually).
We offer imported L.S. gift wrapped for $34.95/dz cash and carry(non-holiday times). It's worked very well for us.
We started "Toonie Tuesday Roses" (Roses $2.00 each) after Easter and it's been going very well......just put out our sign every Tuesday morning and sell whatever roses we want to push that week.

Sometimes it's sweethearts and sometimes it's long stems depending on what I get the best price on.....only "cash and carry"...... and no limit to quantity.
We can buy 60cm Charlotte Roses from Golden or Continential in the months of late June-Sept for .25 cents a stem US dollars.

They come 200 stems per box or 8 packs of 25 in each.

Now we bang those out the door for 14.99 a Dozen instore specials and are still making a 5 times mark-up:D

I play the market break game each and everyday like in this weeks specials Sunburst Stock Assorted...2.95 US per bunch,20 bunches per box.

Now if I could figure out a way to cross the Blue Water Bridge with those specials for our Canadian Florist Friends:rolleyes:
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