End of the "NORTON ERA"

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keith said:
I just heard that Bob Norton has ended his relationship with FTD effective today May 12. Also that Mike Sonen may be on his way back.

Mike Soenen is a great guy and good for FTD moral (and a good friend of mine). I will find out for sure...I have his home number. I hope it's true!!!
It's only a soap opera if Nance, Coccarri & Norton get into a love triangle ... with a baby involved. Otherwise, it's just corporate life.

And the flowers keep on growing ...
And the florists keep on delighting people with their work.
Florists rock!
I like Mike too...

Yep tis true....and mike is one helluva numbers guy...

Should prove interesting, the industry has not seen anything like this since...um....well....since FTD started???

Lets see, whats next....Schodowski returns to FTD...Hmmmm...

FTD buys Proflowers...Hmmmm.....

TF buys FTD....Hmmmm.....

All of the above....Hmmmmmm....
All I can say is that I predicted this back when the announcement was made about the sale of FTD to the Green Group. And of course all the FTD cheerleaders said "Nah, will never happen" "They would never let go of Norton, and we will never see FTD flowers in Rite Aide!!" It took a little longer than I had thought but not much.
The only concern that I would have about Soenen being back in the saddle is his comment that he made to our group when I was attending the meeting in Downers Grove. That was " you people need to stop whining about quality" !
but then again, he should mix right in with the Green Group, we know they are all about quality....
Yep me too...

But then again, I did not think it was going to happen until August...

As to Mike, I look for some changes and good ones too...I have worked with Mike a bit, and have always had respect for the man.
Well both wire services have shaken things up in last couple of weeks I wonder if either one will emerge as a true friend of the florist and the floral industry lets hope. :musical: :musical:
Sounds a bit like "don't let the door hit you on the way out!"

-----Original Message-----
From: Lisa Witek [mailto:lwitek@ftdi.com]
Sent: Thursday, May 13, 2004 4:35 AM
To: FBC Group
Subject: Press Release Regarding Mike Soenen


The press release regarding Mike Soenen as FTD's new CEO has been
distributed to the public. Below is an excerpt from that release. If
receive any questions from your customers, please refer to the press
or call your RVP or myself with any questions.

Thank you.

FTD, Inc., a leading provider of floral services and products, today
appointed Michael J. Soenen as its
President and Chief Executive Officer. Mr. Soenen joined FTD Inc. in
and has held a number of executive management positions with the company
including Executive Vice President of Marketplace, President of FTD.COM
recently, President and Chief Operating Officer of FTD, Inc. His
in the industry and enthusiasm for maximizing FTD, Inc.'s potential have
helped to maintain FTD's position as the leading brand in the floral

"We are very excited to have Michael in his new position with the
His industry and management experience are great assets to FTD, Inc.,"
stated Peter Nolan, Managing Partner of Leonard Green & Partners, L.P.

The Company also announces today the departure of Robert L. Norton,
and CEO of FTD, Inc. "The Board thanks Mr. Norton for his many years of
service to FTD, Inc. and wishes him well in his future endeavors,"
Things are a changin'

and none of us can know for sure where we will be in 1 or 2 or 5 years anymore....hand it to the florists who do most of the work in this ever changing landscape!!
Interesting turn of events.
Luc said:
Interesting turn of events.

And how! I was speaking to our rep yesterday and she said well, you've probably heard what happened at Teleflora, have you heard about FTD. I hadn't yet and said so - when she said Norton had gone bubye :boggles:

Not what I expected to hear. I think it made my mom's day though. :)

One should always be careful what they wish for, as what you get, may be worse than what you had....time will tell
very true Steve

Very true, but having never been one to pull my punch's when I think someone is wrong, I think they be used to it by now...

Although a change in management could lead to an attempt to stiffle, I would hope they know better, and see it for what it really is, an attempt to make things better all the way around.

I am under pretty tight security with regard to Technology, and I honor that as my privledge to know what I know.

I'm sure I'll hear from Mike or someone, if I cross the line...
Now this is Fun

I never thought I would have the pleasure to sit outside the box and watch this Soap Opera "As the Wire Service Turns" unfold.

Ok, you folks go back to talking about the drama because I have to stay out of it since I no longer belong to the club(s). :walking:
yes Blue Mike.....

you are currently "homeless"...how does it feel to be "homeless"??...a little invigorating??
Mikey, It's good to be king..

It's ok to be "homeless" during these times this year, However I have a wonderfull cardboard box Condo I built out of all those boxes of Flowers I'm selling at 100%.

During our Relaxed Mother's Day weekend I Poly-Foiled the Roof! This Sunday were going to paint the kitchen with a little Design Master. Next week I'm getting ready to gets that motor on the shopping cart so I can start delivering.

Seriously, It's been a "Good Thing" for us right now.

p.s. I likes your new Avatar :beer
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