FlowerChat How-To's

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Staff member
Oct 31, 2002
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My goal is to compile a list of How To items for some of FlowerChat's features. Each How To will be in its own post in this thread.

I am going to ask that replies be resticted to the topics of discussion and I want everyone to know that in this thread replies my be edited or deleted once their content has been integrated into the appropriate How To article. This will keep the thread readable and more useful to the members.

Requests for How To topics can be posted to this thread or PM'd to me. I will delete the request post once the How To is posted.

FlowerChat Admin
How To #1: Ignoring a User

FlowerChat gives you the ability to ignore posts from certain users. The process is quite simple, and there are two ways to manage this.
1) From the thread:
a) Click on the user name of the person you want to ignore. Depending on your Web Browser you may see a drop-down list of options, or you may be taken to the users profile screen. If you see the drop down list, click on the option to view the profile.
b) Along the bottom of the first information box in the user's profile you will see an option to "Add username To Ignore List" - Click on that option to ignore all posts from that person.

2) From the main forum screen:
a) Click on the "Members List" option from the Navigation Bar along the top of the forum page.
b) Find the member you want to ignore and click on their name to view their profile.
c) Along the bottom of the first information box in the user's profile you will see an option to "Add username To Ignore List" - Click on that option to ignore all posts from that person.
Info Tip #1: Online Indicator

The coloured circle that follows a users name on their post indicates the online status of that user. A green light means the user is online and logged into FlowerChat.

You can also hold your mouse over the "light" and text will appear showing the user's status.
How To #2: Private Messaging

Private messages allow you to communicate with other FlowerChat users privately. The communications are not able to be viewed by anyone except the intended recipient. The benefit of Private Messages (PM's) is that it is not necessary to disclose your email address. The PM system functions as a part of FlowerChat so emailing is not necessary and your privacy is protected.

Private Messaging can be accessed through the User Control Panel or by clicking on the Private Messages link below the Welcome Message in the top right corner of each screen.
How To #3: New Posts

FlowerChat has tens of thousands of messages posted to thousands of discussions, or "Threads." Rather than sorting through all the categories and messages each time you visit FlowerChat.com you can use the "New Posts" feature found in the Navigation Bar across the top of each page.

Clicking on "New Posts" will search the system for any messages posted since the last time you visited. Working from the consolidated list of new messages will help you stay current on FlowerChat discussions without getting lost in the mountain of messages!
How to #4: Calendar

Flowerchat has a full function calendar feature, located in the menu bar across the top of the page.

Birthdays show up automatically, but users can add "Special Events," Anniversaries, and such to the calender by clicking the link, then in the box to the lower right on the next page click "Add Event".

A new window will open where you can enter a title, select the date, and additional information for the calendar entry.
How to #5 "Quick links"

The Quick Links button, below the user name, to the right in the menu bar offers a drop down menu listing all the available functions in one list.

New Posts, Mark Read, Private Messages or PM's, your Profile and more. It's an easy way for new users to learn the functions of FlowerChat.
How to #6: Frequently Asked Questions

The FAQ link second from the left in the menu bar, will take you to a search page, where you can either run searches or use the links to the lower left to open lists of FAQ's. Everything from uploading, and including images, to changing your email address (keep it current please) and some of the more personal adjustments users can take advantage of here on FlowerChat.
How to #7: Display Modes

To the far right, in the lower menu bar, the "Display Modes" button will give users the ability to change the way FlowerChat is displayed. Linear Mode is ...

Well you can play around with them and see which works best for you, some folks preffer threaded modes and you may change back at any time.
How to #8: Quotes

FlowerChat lets you quote a specific post or part of a post in your reply, so that it is clear what comment you are replying to.

Quotes can be generic, or they can include the name of the person being quoted.

This is a generic quote.
Ryan said:
This is a quote from Ryan.

To automatically quote another post, click on the "Quote" button, or click on the Quick Reply button and select the Quote option below the message box.

When creating or editing a quote, always make sure the passage to be quoted is nested between properly formatted quote tags. A quote tag is the word QUOTE between 2 square brackets, with no spaces.
[ QUOTE ] Starting tag
[ /QUOTE ] Closing tag

When using the QUOTE tags, do not include the spaces shown above.
How to # 9 Older posts.

As we have many new members joining the ranks of the FlowerChat Nation, perhaps this will help to get you up to speed as to where we have come from.

When going into a forum from the main menu that "appears" to be empty, at the bottom of the page there is a "Display Options" box. If you go to the "From the" box and click there, you will get a list that will include various day ranges, and the word "Beginning" if you click on Beginning, then click "SORT" this will list all threads and posts under that specific forum.

FlowerChat by defalut only displays the last 30 days of posts, if you wish to go back in time and read what was then, this will get you to those posts.
How to # 10 Game Search

Arcade Game Search: Using the Search function in the menu bar, you will notice the addition of "Arcade Game Search". By typing in the name of the game you want, you will not have to click-thru all the game lists to find your favorite...
Not really a new "How to" but since we are gaining many new members recently I thought it would be good to refresh the How to thread.

Any new members (or old for that matter) that have site operation questions can PM (private message) me by clicking on my name anywhere within the FlowerChat site, or by sending me an email.

Be more than happy to give "mini-tours" and I can also assist with User settings for things like Private messages, display preferences and anything you have questions on...

Welcome to all the new members, jump on in!
Thread "Titles"

I would like to encourage everyone to try, when you begin a new thread, to make the title informative as to what the thread is about, making the title pertain to the thread.

Doing this, will give FlowerChat Community Members some idea as to what the thread is about. This will also help with our cataloging of threads.

Generic thread topics titles do not offer insight into what the thread may really be about. Also, I would like to ask restraint in "Topic Drift" within a thread, as often, many good topics get derailed into a subject that had nothing to do with the original topic.

Starting a new thread, with a "quote" from another thread, with a new title often helps in keeping the original thread on topic, while opening a new thread with a similar but different topic.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

FlowerChat Administration
How to #11 Printing an individual post

To print an individual post, click on the post # in the individual post top bar to the left of the scales. This will open a new window with just the individual post, then simply select Print from the File menu in your browser's tool bar.
How to # 12, Multiple Quotes

You'll notice the quotes below, come from two individual posts.

How to #11 Printing an individual post

To print an individual post, click on the .........

I would like to encourage everyone to try, .......

To make this work, you simply click the buttom with the
to the right of the regular quote button, in the first thread you wish to quote, then click the same button in the next thread you wish to quote and so on until you have selected all the posts you wish to respond to. Once you have done that click the regular quote button and your post will be displayed for your additions including all the quotes you selected.

This way, you can quote more than one person, in one reply, rather than having to respond to each post individually.

Once again, just refreshing the "How To" thread for all the new members to the FlowerChat Community.

New members, please read the entire thread if you have any questions about site operation questions. You may post questions here, and answers will be incorporated into this thread. Your original post will most likely be removed, once the answer is formated into a "how to" as we want to keep this thread clear with information for users.
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There was a discussion regarding red dots and green dots as a method for rating a member. Where does this rating box appear? I don't plan on rating anyone. I'm too new to the forum and I am still learning my way around, but I'm curious about the rating system for future reference.
There was a discussion regarding red dots and green dots as a method for rating a member. Where does this rating box appear? I don't plan on rating anyone. I'm too new to the forum and I am still learning my way around, but I'm curious about the rating system for future reference.
On the right side of each post, depending on the FlowerChat version you are viewing it could be scales, or a star. Click on it and a box pops us with the "do you approve or disapprove" option. There is a little box for signing, or adding a few comments for your vote.

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And you'll find the 5 most recent ratings on your own posts by clicking user cp in the top left.
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