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Interesting reading the proposed rescue plan that Obama and the Democrats have passed in the House.

Millions for condoms. Billions for Medicaid. Billions to education. Billions to pay 65% of Cobra benefits. Billions to extend unemployment benefits. Billions to support energy programs that have no chance of surviving in an open market because their costs are too high to be beneficial to the end user.


It pays off the Democrats special interests, like the unions, teachers, etc.

But what happened to creating jobs. The economists who viewed the plan state that at best the largest possible potential gain for new jobs won't happen for at least 3 years!

Can everyone wait that long?
I'm a supporter of the arts but the amount that is going to the National Endowment is absolutely absurd. How does that help to create jobs? I don't think this stimulus bill is going to put money in our pockets.

ETA: I believe the stimulus should be used more towards the working class and not a small sliver of the nation.
It's getting better

As more economists examine the recently passed House Democrats and Obama stimulus package, it is getting better.

It seems that out of the 900 Billion dollars that will be spent, that's right billion with a "B", 12 cents of every dollar spent will actually go to create jobs.

Please explain the difference between G.W and the Republicans and Obama and the Democrats?
The difference between a recession and a depression?

A recession is when your neighbor looses their jobs.

A depression is when you loose yours.
I still hold to the theory that the economic stimulus package would do better if it were given out to individuals to BUY STUFF than being distributed by the Feds, who've already screwed it up a couple times before...

I'm just say'n on a slow Saturday...
I still hold to the theory that the economic stimulus package would do better if it were given out to individuals to BUY STUFF than being distributed by the Feds, who've already screwed it up a couple times before...

I'm just say'n on a slow Saturday...
Boss, before the election your were singing Obama's praises and now it seems the song has changed. Why?
The other night Jon Stewart said that he thinks that the stimulus package should be "a trickle up" economic policy. give it directly to those who need it. I'm sure that this would lead to many other problems about who gets the money, but I'm also sure it would be a great stimulus and a cheaper one.
Boss, before the election your were singing Obama's praises and now it seems the song has changed. Why?
If you remember correctly, I was not singing "his praises" nor did I make much comment on him personally. I advocated "change" yes, and change we got.

Time will tell if it's change for the better or not.

I have always said we need to "put a businessman at the helm", sadly, those qualified, are smart enough not to run for the office.
The other night Jon Stewart said that he thinks that the stimulus package should be "a trickle up" economic policy. give it directly to those who need it. I'm sure that this would lead to many other problems about who gets the money, but I'm also sure it would be a great stimulus and a cheaper one.

What a great idea!!!

Jon Stewart, the foremost expert on economic issues, giving his plans. Wow!

What's even more amazing is that people buy into his "Liberal" ideas and give them credence.

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Boss, before the election your were singing Obama's praises and now it seems the song has changed. Why?

Nobody realized how bad yer boy had it forked up Foxxy...including Obama.

Your beloved George left with the country on fire - close to complete destruction?

The house of cards is still fallin

But I see Exxon is still doing real well.
Nobody realized how bad yer boy had it forked up Foxxy...including Obama.

Your beloved George left with the country on fire - close to complete destruction?

The house of cards is still fallin

But I see Exxon is still doing real well.
Bloomzie, please set a date as to when your Liberals and Obama become responsible for the country?

On the campaign trail, Obama had all the answers. He talked daily about how when he got into office he could turn things around. Jon Stewart made fun of McCain and made Obama seem he could walk on water.


I think it will be about February 30th Fox.....

Now could you (please) tell me when "your people" will begin to take responsibility for the mess we're in now?

I haven't been holding my breath you'll be glad to note.
The new government is taking responsibility. They are responsible for trying to fix, in a timely manner, the mess left behind.

The same will be said, I have no doubt, when next the country changes it's stripes... as they most surely will (they always do).

The new government is taking responsibility. They are responsible for trying to fix, in a timely manner, the mess left behind.

The same will be said, I have no doubt, when next the country changes it's stripes... as they most surely will (they always do).


The only thing they have done so far, is paid back the lawyers that put so much money into the campaign by passing the supposed equal pay for women law. Side note, studies show the gap in pay in the USA is closing not because the pay women are making is going up, but the pay for men is falling.

They are closing the prison in Cuba, but have not answered what they will do with these prisoners that no country will take.

They have allowed California to become the defacto leader in setting standards that will decide what kinds of cars we drive in the future. This will put Detroit car makers in even a bigger financial hole at the same time the Federal government is putting taxpayer money into trying to save jobs.

They are working on passing a 900 billion dollar stimulus package where 12 cents of every dollar will actually go to create jobs and the rest to expand Liberal ideals.

And, on the subject of jobs, the Canadian government is crying foul because the American taxpayers want the government stimulus to create American jobs and the Canadian government feels that's wrong because Canadian businesses should be able to bid on these projects.

Yes, Victoria, they are taking responsibily, but for what and to who?

Obama said if you vote for him, you are voting for change. Yes, we are seeing a change, but it's not necessarily for the good.

PS bloomzie, you are the perfect Liberal. You scream the loudest about the opposition, you blame them for all the shortcomings and when you finally get power you do nothing and accept no responsibily while still screaming that they are the cause of everthing evil.

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You asked, I answered. You don't like the answer. I'm okay with that.

I have a question for you. What is your solution to the crisis?

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You asked, I answered. You don't like the answer. I'm okay with that.

I have a question for you. What is your solution to the crisis?


1. Focus the trillions of dollars on tax cuts and help for businesses to create jobs. 2. Focus on the housing crisis that started this thing. 3. Put a bunch of the wall street types in jail (I'd start with anybody that made a bonus over a million--you know they did something wrong). 4. Quit spending hundreds of billions on pet projects just because you have to spend it somewhere. And the number one answer is----Send Ted some of that bailout money.
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Increase the SBA and require bailed out banks to make low interest investment loans, lower credit standards to struggling main street, and rewrite the tax laws, eliminate the business property tax.

Or the government should bypass the banks and make low interest loans to main street. It's our children's money anyways.
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You asked, I answered. You don't like the answer. I'm okay with that.

I have a question for you. What is your solution to the crisis?

Focus every dollar that will be spent in the stimulus package on creating jobs, by cutting taxes for all businesses, not just Liberal leaning busineses, but every business.

Make sure that every public project create new jobs, not just allow the projects to maintain present jobs.

Give tax breaks to all people, even those with a job. We need them to start spending again. And punish all state and local government that raise their taxes at the same time the economy needs the average person to spend again.

Obama ran on the idea of crossing the aisle. Well, then he better promote not just his Liberal party ideas as being the only ideas on the table.
Make it mandatory that Big Bounus be taken back and given to the employees who lost their jobs in those companies who took bonuses....eliminate purchases of planes....make companies/banks/WS ( threw that in for fun) and anyone who is on the dole show their stuff...if you are on perpetual welfare, then you must be in school...everyone needs to be accountable rides are OVER...well in my theory anyway,. No tickee...anyone who collects disability from NY and has their checks mailed to FLA needs to be collecting in their own state...not while they are sitting down here in the sun and partying at night ...and also working off the books. If you are should have no problems...
Ok I am done
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