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I'm not one for more government, but...
There needs to be accountability in this real estate mess. Sure, I know "buyer beware" and "look before you leap" and "due diligence" and all that. But consumers were fed a line of BS. Their fears of never affording a home and missing the “dream” were used against them. Many were in effect forced to enter the spec house market just to have a place to live.
Perhaps a HUD or FannieMay takeover of some of these "pound of flesh" lenders and serious jail time for some loan brokers would be in order.

Accountablility, by who? Go ahead pass laws that make the lenders accountable. How does a loan officer tell you that you are an idiot and that you can't afford the house. There will never be a law that can stop a person from himself!

I've had customers pull up to the store in their 1986 Ford Tempo that barely runs, have to give me three different credit cards to find one that will allow the purchase because they want to buy a couple dozen roses. Should I be responsible to tell this person that maybe they should spend their money on higher priority items, like a better car, or paying down their credit card bills?

I think it's time Americans quit whining and take responsibilty for their own action. It's no one's fault that some people feel that they don't have to be responsible and that it's someone elses job to make sure that they don't act like an idoit. Maybe it's time that parents teach their kids that most things that happen to them is their fault. Maybe, it's not the teachers fault that their kid can't add. Maybe, running up a credit card balance into the thousands, is not the banks fault. Maybe buying a house that is way more then they can afford and their lying about their income on the loan application is their fault.

Once America goes back to the idea that each person has to be responsible for their own actions, will the average American begin to study all the ramifications to their actions, instead of relying on the government, which by the way has a knack for screwing up just about everything.
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Bingo Sfox.

The only thing the government is good for is screwing up a good and worth will pogram. HUD was bid out to a private realestate company years ago, from Georgia. Fannie mae and Freddie mac were in big time deep trouble before all this no money down crap. More government, nah, less government. Then live like Sfox explained.

worth will pogram.

In addition to getting a spell check you need to get a clue.

A "pogram" is where they round up all the inferior people and burn them alive.

Is this what you might suggest to remedy the coming recession brought on by the housing collapse and the likely election of a Democrat to the White House?
Would I rather see our government bail out its citizens or squander more billions blowing up, rebuilding, blowing up, rebuilding, blowing up, rebuilding Iraq.

Gee let me think.....

Dems seem to favor programs the help our citizens, Pubs seem to think they just need to eat dirt yet don't mind squandering our money abroad.
your perception is not my reality

"seem" is a word that will let you rationalize many things..."the housing market seems to be going up with no end in sight"

As far as Iraq/Islam goes, there will be little or no difference in policy if a dem is elected. The state of the world will not allow it. If anything the chances of a nuclear exchange increase slightly with a dem in office.
I hope I do not get called a religous nut with this one. The Bible has very clear instructions about money. The bottom line the borrower gets screwed and the lender gets rich. Too bad I had to be 61 before I learned this.
Keyboard courage

"not funny - Jerrry is a well respected member here"

care to throw down in person?

or just get me to the red squares behind my back?

Jerrrrrry has his opinions as do I, but I could read the sarcasm between the lines.
Well, I have been a while since posting on Flower Chat, My business obligations are changed, my wife does all the work. So I will have more time to interact on FC.

I hope I did not offend anyone, as I do not even Know who Jerry is and I never meant to sound sarcastic.

I think overall the economy is pretty good, it has not effected my sales, however I may have missed the impact as, I had intentionally cut wire orders back for the summer. I do not think Florists will be hurt by this economy or this housing mess. Anyone who has been hurt, I feel for you.

In all my years in this business, twenty in wholesale, I have never seen the economy hurt florist business. I hope I am right and I hope it stays that way.

The thing hurting wholesaler's and retailers alike is the effect of the Internet on our businesses, it birthed the order gathers and the wire service gathers. As I stated in other posts, I decided to be an order filler because the amount of my sales and what I can drop to the bottom line will determine what I can sell this business for.

Since you are also talking politics, and it will always get you in trouble. I think every business should be republican. I think Iraq is a just war and history will prove that. I also think George Bush is one of the best presidents we have had, and I do not agree with everything he has suggested.
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Inka, you're one of a dying breed. Modern times are about "getting it now."

Doing a budget, that's a quaint idea today? If you probably asked 100 couples if they did a budget before they bought their house, I imagine that 90 out of the 100 would say no. Today with credit cards and ATM's there is no waiting for anything.

And unfortunately too many times people get into the follow the crowd mode. Back in the 90's, everyone bought tech stocks because everyone else was. Even when many of those tech companies had never ever made money people still bought the stock because tech was good. I think the reason there are so many foreclosures is because so many people felt that if they didn't get a house, they might never be able to afford one later. Think back, it looked like the spiral in prices was never going to end.

And when people get into that panic mode, they don't think about budgets, future costs, or any other what ifs.

I don't know how anyone survives without a budget. I have budgeted my whole adult life. My husband on the other hand is a get it now kind of person. It took me some years to explain how the budget thing works and he does OK at times when we have extra money, but has an awful time when times are close. He just does not seem to understand when the budget is in the red and every penny we spend above and beyond the neccessary items is putting us behind and to really think about if the purchase is neccessary...
Nothing wrong with that.....................

If your budget supports it ;) :cool:

Exactly, he is having a hard time right now because we only have one paycheck. I used to have a whole full time paycheck to play with and it is hard now without that and he has a hard time getting it..
In addition to getting a spell check you need to get a clue.

A "pogram" is where they round up all the inferior people and burn them alive.

Is this what you might suggest to remedy the coming recession brought on by the housing collapse and the likely election of a Democrat to the White House?

My dictionary (Google) spells the word of your definition, "pogrom." The dictionay does not define it in your words, but I think that is what you mean. I could find no definition for a word spelled "pogram."
ahh - 7 years of Bush...
I just received word that BNC mortgage will be closing in Southern California.

They are wholesale mortgage so you know things are really going to get worse.

Get ready people tuff times are ahead.

We have had several mortgage companies fold their tents. In some cases it was not a bad thing. Some of them had such creative mortgages that guaranteed their hefty fees but left consumers with questionable products. (buyer beware)

There are a few that heavily advertise on TV and Radio (think nature) that have a terrible reputation amongst bankers and traditional mortgage companies.
ahh - 7 years of Bush...

Ah yes blame it on someone else then ourselves.

Spending money on things that we can't possiably pay for.
Borrowing money from inflated houseing prices.

We the people are just as guilty as our representives. Spending more then we could possiably Afford!!!.
Those are supposed to be our representatives but somewhere along the line they got confused and think we elected them as leaders, not servants.

and not a one of them is worthy of leading me, at least, and likely you too.
Numbers update

Announced today....

The number of foreclosures nationwide March-August 2007...

Drum roll......

More Like Clinton,

ahh - 7 years of Bush...

bloomz, seems to me a little more like when Clinton was in office. Back then everyone was cooking the books, ala Enron, MCI, all the dot coms, and no one was worried because everyone was getting a piece of the action. Seems Bush took a page from the Clintons play book and now that the bubble burst everyone is peed off.

But I guess you're right, bring back the Democrats, they make sure the bubbles last until they get out of office. Bush screwed up, he didn't get the bubble to last until Hillary becomes president.

Oh I hear Hillary has a fix for the problem. She wants to cut social security for those born here in America and use that money to get illegals into all those homes being foreclosed, and along the way build a very loyal Democratic following.
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