Accountablility, by who? Go ahead pass laws that make the lenders accountable. How does a loan officer tell you that you are an idiot and that you can't afford the house. There will never be a law that can stop a person from himself!
I've had customers pull up to the store in their 1986 Ford Tempo that barely runs, have to give me three different credit cards to find one that will allow the purchase because they want to buy a couple dozen roses. Should I be responsible to tell this person that maybe they should spend their money on higher priority items, like a better car, or paying down their credit card bills?
I think it's time Americans quit whining and take responsibilty for their own action. It's no one's fault that some people feel that they don't have to be responsible and that it's someone elses job to make sure that they don't act like an idoit. Maybe it's time that parents teach their kids that most things that happen to them is their fault. Maybe, it's not the teachers fault that their kid can't add. Maybe, running up a credit card balance into the thousands, is not the banks fault. Maybe buying a house that is way more then they can afford and their lying about their income on the loan application is their fault.
Once America goes back to the idea that each person has to be responsible for their own actions, will the average American begin to study all the ramifications to their actions, instead of relying on the government, which by the way has a knack for screwing up just about everything.
I'm not one for more government, but...
There needs to be accountability in this real estate mess. Sure, I know "buyer beware" and "look before you leap" and "due diligence" and all that. But consumers were fed a line of BS. Their fears of never affording a home and missing the “dream” were used against them. Many were in effect forced to enter the spec house market just to have a place to live.
Perhaps a HUD or FannieMay takeover of some of these "pound of flesh" lenders and serious jail time for some loan brokers would be in order.
Accountablility, by who? Go ahead pass laws that make the lenders accountable. How does a loan officer tell you that you are an idiot and that you can't afford the house. There will never be a law that can stop a person from himself!
I've had customers pull up to the store in their 1986 Ford Tempo that barely runs, have to give me three different credit cards to find one that will allow the purchase because they want to buy a couple dozen roses. Should I be responsible to tell this person that maybe they should spend their money on higher priority items, like a better car, or paying down their credit card bills?
I think it's time Americans quit whining and take responsibilty for their own action. It's no one's fault that some people feel that they don't have to be responsible and that it's someone elses job to make sure that they don't act like an idoit. Maybe it's time that parents teach their kids that most things that happen to them is their fault. Maybe, it's not the teachers fault that their kid can't add. Maybe, running up a credit card balance into the thousands, is not the banks fault. Maybe buying a house that is way more then they can afford and their lying about their income on the loan application is their fault.
Once America goes back to the idea that each person has to be responsible for their own actions, will the average American begin to study all the ramifications to their actions, instead of relying on the government, which by the way has a knack for screwing up just about everything.