FTD Quality Star

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I think this quality star part of this is a very bad idea and totally bogus.

more like totally stoopid
Boyz and girls.....I think it's time to pull the trigger!!
Ummm.... let me guess... it may have something to do with your REJ rate of .CON orders. :rolleyes:

Nope - we don't get dotcon orders - justflowers is the ones I regularly reject - once I found that they keep undisclosed % of the order I decided against taking any more from them - there's a couple others I feel that way about - the "all inclusive pricing" ones like the big OG in Florida where the customer has no way of knowing how much gets transmitted (you know who I mean)

Other OG's I accept most all of their orders - after triage to see that it isn't skimmed. I delivered an order for Wesley last week, and I sent him 3 the week before that they delivered for me for a funeral. Much as you all hate to hear this - they run a tight very professional full service flower shop.

The action plan of the day for ones like JF now will be FOR - to our branch location in Thimbouctou. No more rejects - I don't wanna lose my gold star dealie.

Just kidding I could give a shid less about their phony gold star, unless it's real gold. Then I want four of them.
I think this quality star part of this is a very bad idea and totally bogus.

Just unbelievable. Another agreement on topic... (oh, look at the cute piggy flying outside my window!)

Bogus - good choice of words. This "program" has really no value to anyone. Personally, I really don't care "how well I am doing compared to other florists." In some cases, I already know that... :)

Besides, this one can be really a barrel of monkeys, given the new REJ policy. Many REJ's will be due to $ issues, or delivery area issues and let's face it: I may be able to fill an order for $X dollars (an FTD design for ex.) and another shop may not. Each shop has it's own cut-offs...

- H.
3PM on the first Friday of June.
Like I said in another post, June is my month, to finalize decisions, one way or the other, cause when that rollercoaster hits the ground, I just ain't gonna be on it !
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