Ftd Selection Guide / Fee

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I just spent an hour on the phone with FTD about this and all their other sneaky little charges. I was told that they set this up as monthly payments to make it easier on the florists. So KIND! I asked how many months did I have left to pay it out. Only then was I told it never pays out because at the end of two years they send you a new book and it all starts over again! There you have it.

I just inquired a month ago and they said it would be FIVE years between books! Would really like to know the straight scoop on this.
Actually I did

Yes - to add - the option for white background (with shadow) vs "natural settings" is important for differing website designs.

It's a fairly simple photoshop after the images are shot. Tell them not to forget that!


Thanks for bringing this up.....actually I did tell them about this, and forgot to list it...... and I will remind them again. (Jeff, I know that you visit flowerchat, please take note. Thanks, Clay)
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