FTD & Urban

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Infinite said:
I'm expecting a visit from Mr Soenen today. I may just have to hug him :)

And one from me although I've sent of congratulations emails to the officers and my fbc....
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steve said:
I just went and look on line and found all there listings attach to my name are gone but there still remains many other fruadulent companies attach to my name its a start.

One down...4999 to go... but it IS a step in the right direction...
Please pass my congratulations and thanks on to Bill as well; and then ask him what about (aboot, if you wish!) LOBLOWS!?? Ask him WHY FTD FAH handles all of LOBLOWS orders in sending to FTD florists AND WHY does FTD allow them to advertise that they're 25% cheaper AND FREE DELIVERY with everyone knowing in advance that those orders are going to the FTD members that LOBLOWS were lower than! If FTD KNOWS that many of these orders will be curtailed because they are so far below value doesn't that make FTD complicid in the curtailing? Inquiring minds want to know!
Now is the time to keep the ball rolling and save FTD, if he's interested.
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Rock said:
If FTD KNOWS that many of these orders will be curtailed because they are so far below value doesn't that make FTD complicid in the curtailing? Inquiring minds want to know!

I'd say so....

As to Vancouver... I am hearing it was the balls of the Canadian office that took the lead...on principles...

Spot on Frank! I am glad to know there are still people in the company with principles, and not affraid to do what is right for the Real Florists and the industry!
But like you said BOSS, where are all their orders going to go now?
Will Teleflora or someone else pick them up?
If Teleflora does not pick them up, will they go out of business or do they have other recourses?
BOSS said:
Not sure of them all George, but I would bet that it involves many violations in different areas, probably including sending less than they collected...

If it was for deceptive advertising, and not listing an actual location on their sites, then I would look for more in the near future...

But then again, maybe FTD singled them out because they were in the Top 5, as an example, and something to placate the Real Florists, media and lets not forget Wall Street...

I know Wall Street is watching very closely since the IPO, and perhaps the heat is starting to light the necessary fire to clean up their (FTD) act!

Well, it must be for something the other OGs are not doing. Otherwise FTD could end up with a lawsuit.
George Simon said:
Well, it must be for something the other OGs are not doing. Otherwise FTD could end up with a lawsuit.

OR it could be for what they are doing, and this is just the beginning :)
It took awhile

But last October when we were at a members meeting at DG, all the talk was about how to get rid of them. I think FTD has been diligently working on this for awhile....way too many complaints from consumers, florists etc. I think the hold up was due to the "legal" part of terminating a member with the least amount of problems post termination.Glad to see they did it the right way.now let's see what they do with this Waly World garbage.....sickening.
Rock said:
Please pass my congratulations and thanks on to Bill as well; and then ask him what about (aboot, if you wish!) LOBLOWS!?? Ask him WHY FTD FAH handles all of LOBLOWS orders in sending to FTD florists AND WHY does FTD allow them to advertise that they're 25% cheaper AND FREE DELIVERY with everyone knowing in advance that those orders are going to the FTD members that LOBLOWS were lower than! If FTD KNOWS that many of these orders will be curtailed because they are so far below value doesn't that make FTD complicid in the curtailing? Inquiring minds want to know!
Now is the time to keep the ball rolling and save FTD, if he's interested.

Exactly! Thanks Hugh.

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George Simon said:
If Teleflora does not pick them up, will they go out of business or do they have other recourses?

Tom Meola is still in business as far as I can know, they just constantly find victim florists without a clue. They were kicked out of all wire services YEARS ago. And as the "independents" will tell you, you can send on a credit card and still get a discount, even tho the labor is more intensive, the profits should be the same or even higher. The way these guys (I hear) skim, should be no problem to intensify the labor by hiring more operators.
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George Simon said:
But like you said BOSS, where are all their orders going to go now?
Will Teleflora or someone else pick them up?
Teleflora firmly denied VFC into membership last month.

In addition, they ejected Flowers Across America for poor behaviour.
Glad FTD is doing clean up, FTD has other shops under investigation for sending fraudelant orders, some florists just don't reconcile their ftd/tele combined reports......leaves room for temptation and theives! BEWARE! :boggles:
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BOSS said:
OR it could be for what they are doing, and this is just the beginning :)
Why do it one at a time?
I don't think FTD would give up that much money. Especially with Teleflora waiting in the wings!
But it seems TF is ejecting some of their more blatant evildoers.

Too soon to tell, but we'll see....
Today's correspondence:
I have a friend in Michigan.

I see you are members of FTD. Are you able to send flowers there? Can they arrive today?

Many thanks,


Dear Ryan;

We are having some trouble with our orders and web site right now and will not be able to sucessfully deliver an order for you. Thank-you for your interest in Urban Florists, and I hope that we can help you next time.

Urban Florists Customer Service

Is this because you got your ASS BOOTED out of FTD ???


Miss you (NOT!!)
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George Simon said:
Why do it one at a time?
I don't think FTD would give up that much money. Especially with Teleflora waiting in the wings!

Because it takes time to build a case and gather evidence. I'm sure John Burney had all the i's dotted and t's crossed with Vancouver... and I think we will see more of this, but it will not happen in a flurry, but in methodicle fashion...

As to Teleflora picking them up... maybe... but here I doubt it, I do not think they are that stupid.

Also, I do not think that either one feels that just because they do one good deed, that the Real Florists will back down and stop trying to educate other florists and expose the garbage.

It will be interesting to see where those orders go...it may just add up at some point where you can not accept orders from other than another Real Florist because there is no way to figure out where it came from.

FTD "used" to label some a "Sending Florist ONLY" but near as I can figure that was stopped in November, leading me to assume that all those that used to be labeled as such along with the orders from Walmart, Flowers.com and all are now being sent as FTD.com orders so that florists can not determine the point of origin. Hence my change of stance on filling FTD.com orders, I refuse to fill for Walmart, or any other known gatherer.
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My guess is boss is right it would take a long time to cover all the bases and dot all the i (s) . Because you got to know that Vancover flower company is going to try to take this to court. But if they knock off a bunch of the big ones maybe some of the smaller ones will get out of dodge while they still got money in the bank.
steve said:
Because you got to know that Vancover flower company is going to try to take this to court.
I have it from a fairly reliable source that they are under investigation by the RCMP. They may have bilked consumers out of millions of dollars via curtailment.

I know they cost untold numbers of local florists $ for lost time in having to deal with all the complaints plus the stores' losses of reputations in the eyes of the recipients. How many of the senders will never select flowers again because their trust of the network has been so eroded?

We all know this is not the only large OG to practice systematic curtailment. Is it any wonder that sales of flowers decreased last year?

I don't believe Vancouver will be in any position to sue anyone. Hope they have to spend some serious $ on defense, however.
But then again if the rules had been applied in the first place , they would not have been able to get in, or it all can be blamed on Norton for sucking up every dollar available to keep Ftd afloat.
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