No Rickie, I just, pretty much on my own, after my best efforts, realized the futility of it all.
In well over 10 years nothing has gotten better, only progressively worse, and after too much time spinning my wheels, wasting my time and energies for naught, fighting losing battles is something I'm trying to grow out of.
That part had nothing to do with our consultant - he came along about 10 years later.
It's a bit like the war protestors I see at our courthouse every single day - I've been there, done that, believe in their cause, wish them well, thank them for what they're doing, but know inside they're wasting their time.
Hence my jaded sarcasm at all this "we gotta join together and stop them" stuff. I was/We were saying that same exact thing 10 or 12 years ago.
Taking care of my home, my business and most of all my family takes precedence over wasting time trying to help old ladies that don't want to, cross the street.
OK, nite all