Here's a bit of insider information. The company that is currently selling Crowning Glory is the same that was making it for the JH company. The formula has not changed, and they did have a problem with it turning pink a little while. I personally have done gerbera daisy corsages a lot, and here are a few things I have found.
First study how a gerb "fails". The petals will wilt from the outside in. A simple trick to help with this is to purchase a silk/permanent gerb, tear it apart, and use one layer of it to back up the gerb.
Make sure the gerbs are fully hydrated. Floating them with the stems cut off in water makes sure they are fully hydrated before gluing them into a corsage or boutonniere.
I have had EXCELLENT results with Finishing Touch from Oasis. I even made one corsage for a Thursday show on Tuesday, let it sit out of a cooler all day on Thursday, and it still looked AWESOME for the stage.
Another design that I have done is to take all the petals off a mini gerb for a corsage. A cool look, a way to recycle "older" gerbs, and fun to play she loves me, she loves me not.