Melanie my dear, we are going in circles here. Please look at Ryans post #12 in this thread and do whart he says. He makes websites, and would not tell you wrong.
Also, look at Eric Shaws' site made with yahoo sitebuilder. It's loveley and he changes it all the time.
Yahoo hosting is cheap $9.00 mo. first three months, then 11.87 I think.
Unless you are married to your poorly made green site, ditch it, and let's get started on making you a nice functional one.
We could start a thread of "Watch Melanies Website Be Created". In this case I don't think Ryan would mind our getting into his boat a little bit.
What ya think Ryan, Can we use Melanie as a learn website stuff thread?
Everyone that knows website stuff could make suggestions.
Again Melanie, please, ditch that site and go to Yahoositebuilder, and lets get started.