Have you seen JTV?

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More Info From J...

Thanks everyone for the kind remarks...and understanding about the "BIRTH" process of getting a new business off the ground...

Turns out we need to bill quarterly...some credit card ruling...so that is why the prices are a bit wonky right now...but thanks to your 'heads up" my techies will be working on that!

The best way to reach me is:
(AND Anyone, anywhere can... I am always accessible...I love hearing from fellow florists)

Via [email protected] or [email protected]

Phone is sometimes a bit more convienient...due to my travel schedule...
Call the following number 616-785-3766 ...and I might just answer...
it's my office phone...

If not leave a message and your number and I will get back to ASAP!

Fax...if anyone cares...616-785-7053...

This is all the same Info I give out at every show...and the offer is always the Same...If you need me....for advise or to kick around an idea or figure out a techinque..let's do it!

I love FlowerChat and you folks are all the best!

Kind regards...

BOSS's Quote of the day!!

jmhs said:
I love FlowerChat and you folks are all the best!

Kind regards...

Michigan people are so smart....and nice too ;)
Take a break with J

We signed up for JTV and really love it. I had seen all the webisodes but the design team had not seen them. This week we had a little downtime so I set up the computer and had 3 of the team members watch. Everyone grabbed a soft drink and took a TRAINING BREAK. We all learned a lot, even very small tips were helpful. Our shop has had an attidude of WE'VE ALWAYS DONE IT THIS WAY and now we are trying to get far from that attitude. J's training has proven helpful already.

We just figure that JTV has sponsors so we are going to see products from those sponsors. But there is also good information even if you mentally change to generic "brands".

J - thanks for the opportunity to learn, (my team enjoyed seeing you at the Dallas show last week, too!)

Okay, not to be a total cheerleader:umok:, but I was the 81st viewer to sign up and got my new JH wedding selection guides as a prize! Too cool. Some interesting stuff in there and it will be used this weekend in its first trial with a new bride. Thank you! Girls are enjoying the show - and looking forward to some design work that I keep raving about. :bouquet2:
Love Jtv

Signed up got jtv and love it. I agree the first episode was not my favorite and I thought what have I signed up for but the other installments have been great. Love the faux hand tied arrangement and look forward to future shows.
I just signed up as well and I planned to watch the "webisodes" tomorrow but I sat here and watched all of them tonight. I love, love, love the faux handtied!! A couple of the things were good refresher courses, such as gluing corsages.

Two thumbs (or should I say flowers) up :)

We've all been watching JTV here at the shop. In many ways the show has been a godsend to us. We're relatively isolated, we frequently have issues with flowers that come in the wrong color so that episode was enlightening. We'd heard about glued corsages but never actually seen one so that episode was invaluable. The faux hand-tied though, that was wild. We have sidewalk sales days this week and we're going to do a large variation of it to put in our window as a show piece at night.

We've learned a little something each episode and just as importantly, it's fired-up our imaginations. Thanks J!

It's J Again... and I am Listening!!!!

Hey Everyone...
So many (truly tons) of responses about this week's webisode and ALL Good stuff...
JTV subscribers really want to see DESIGN and projects and Secrets, Tips and Ideas...
I am preparing for Season II right now...and we will be offering a DESIGN Project EVERY WEEK...
we are breaking away...and LISTENING to feedback...
Everyone appreciates the refresher stuff...but EVERYONE wants to see FUN
things like the Faux Hand Tied...
So WE'RE GONNA DO IT! Design...all the TIME...with great products and cool stuff for the Floral Industry...
Hang on to your hats...we're on deck for FUN Flower Design in Season TWO! (starting Labor Day September 4, 2005!)

As always thanks for the GREAT AWESOME INCREDIBLE FEEDBACK I love hearing from everyone!

Keep having FUN with FLOWERS!

J @ JTV!
Just signed up...yahooodie...love it! Watched the faux handtied..that is the bomb! Now I know what to do with all those spheries we have kept moving around all year....hopefully you will do something nifty in a ring...I have them too....lol
Thanks for a great show..
I signed up!!!

After a couple of trys I finally got my subscription and have been watching and rewatching the webisodes. Love it and have shared the info with a couple of friends hoping they will sign up. I have the Just for Flowers sprays (came in handy with some all white cymbids at prom) and now I've been having some fun with some hydrangeas at the shop. Love it! Love it! Love it! Smart move Jay!!!
Had the opportunity to see J in action at the Illinois State Conference last March. He put a smile on my face with his wit and charm, along with the stories about his Mother...this industry is like no other when it comes to Mother stories...
We've signed up and can't wait to see more webisodes!
And WELCOME to our little flowerchat family J, it's good to have you around.
Just saw the 1st new episode of JTV. First J mentioned Flowerchat.com twice which was very nice and hopefully will interest a few more to join us! Second I was so happy to see that the infomercial aspect was gone this week. It was a really cute project, hope the new format continues!
Is last season of JTV avaliable on cd/dvd? Up here in the woods we don't have highspeed internet yet and I don't think JTV works on my dial up :eek:
Loving JTV

I'm a new member of JTV, and I must say I'm really enjoying it.

Somehow I stumbled on www.theflowergod.com ... hmmmm... I wonder which came first. I think I like J's presentation and style more. Has anyone else seen "the Flower God". Hmmmm.

Beth :~)
There's a wonderful, in-depth article about J in the Grand Rapids Press today, Profile: Floral designer J Schwanke.

One thing I learned - J heads up the team shooting the new BloomNet catalog. This will certainly give their members a reason to use BloomNet's images on their websites.

Congratulations on the great article, J!

There's a wonderful, in-depth article about J in the Grand Rapids Press today, Profile: Floral designer J Schwanke.

One thing I learned - J heads up the team shooting the new BloomNet catalog. This will certainly give their members a reason to use BloomNet's images on their websites.

Congratulations on the great article, J!

It was a great article on J. and I LOVED The primula story!!!

I didn't get to see J as I worked on the Blooms across Grand Rapids program with the PRF (Professional retail florists of west michigan) group. The Michigan Floral Association spring convention was held in conjunction with the Home and garden show this past weekend.

We take the flowers left from the design programs and anything the cut flower vendors wish to donate, design arrangements (thanks Indiana Glass for all the vases) and deliver them to hospitals, nursing homes, fire departments, police stations etc. Lots of work but lots of exposure to the local florists.
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