Help With Editing Images

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Aug 27, 2005
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Does anyone know of any service that can put an image on a white background for me? I have someone that will charge me $25 per image. I would like to try to accomplish this myself without paying the $25 per image fee. Thanks!
Dianne - Paint Shop Pro has a tool called a background eraser that is quite cool.
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Shoot your photos with a white background. Do not use fabric, the wrinkles are hard to remove and look distracting. I use 30"x30" white Cardstock on the tabletop and the background. Then its fairly easy to clean up in any image editing program. You can learn to do it yourself for free and its kinda fun.
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Dianne, I'll do them for $23.50 ;)

Shoot them against a piece of foam core... it's flat white, offers soft shadows, and no texture...
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Does anyone know of any service that can put an image on a white background for me? I have someone that will charge me $25 per image. I would like to try to accomplish this myself without paying the $25 per image fee. Thanks!

I downloaded this free application called photo filtre. I'm definitely not an expert but this was fairly easy to use.

Like a previous poster mentioned its much easier to start wit an image photographed on a white background and then just replace your white with "true" white.

It has functions similar to most professional photo editing software including resizing functions, eyedropper autofill, etc.

Best of all .... its FREE.
$25 per image is the going rate for simple clean up.

I use PhotoShop Elements and even though there'a a small learning curve, it's really paid off.

Our Rosie (11 years old) used PS to clean up about 40 images for me during her spring break. (Shhhh... don't tell her what she could have earned elsewhere. ;)
Diane - I am going to give you a great tip........Not only will you get a great white background.......but it takes up MINIMAL space in your shop.

Go to any hardware or window covering store.....purchase the solid heavy vinyl window blinds that pull down. Get several colors - White, Black, Green, Gray, are great backdrop colors. You attach them to a ceiling in your shop.......above a your arrangement.....pull down the best color backdrop......SNAP the picture.
Our Rosie (11 years old) used PS to clean up about 40 images for me during her spring break. (Shhhh... don't tell her what she could have earned elsewhere. ;)
I just sent her a text message with what you owe her... and a request to clean up another 40 for me, at your expense of course...

She said she'd do mine gratis, for tipping her off to your scam ;)
Our Rosie (11 years old) used PS to clean up about 40 images for me during her spring break. (Shhhh... don't tell her what she could have earned elsewhere. ;)

You're what they call in the photo editing biz a dIC - "deceptive image cleaner".

I kid, I kid! lol
There is a free program called GIMP for photo-editing , I would suggest going to ebay and buying an early version of Photoshop Elements (much cheaper) and it will do the trick...and if you really like it you can upgrade it. But for taking the background out, it's good. Use the Magic Eraser. If you want to palce the image and have only the image appear, save it as a PSD file, the background will be transparent. If you save it as a Jpeg, the background will be white.
Hope this helps. Sue
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There is a free program called GIMP for photo-editing , I would suggest going to ebay and buying an early version of Photoshop Elements (much cheaper) and it will do the trick...and if you really like it you can upgrade it. But for taking the background out, it's good. Use the Magic Eraser. If you want to palce the image and have only the image appear, save it as a PSD file, the background will be transparent. If you save it as a Jpeg, the background will be white.
Hope this helps. Sue

I don't know about GIMP but you can't upload a .PSD file (it's a 'working' file only) and yes the background becomes white when saved as a .jpeg. The good thing in PS is that you have layers and can change the background at will by turning on/off layers. There is a way to save with a transparent background (as .gif or .ping) using Channels but then you run the risk of pixelated edges....yuk.
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If you want to use a full function graphics package and can invest in the learning curve, I suggest GIMP.

GIMP is the GNU Image Manipulation Program. It is a freely distributed piece of software for such tasks as photo retouching, image composition and image authoring. It works on many operating systems, in many languages. (more...)
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I don't know about GIMP but you can't upload a .PSD file (it's a 'working' file only) and yes the background becomes white when saved as a .jpeg. The good thing in PS is that you have layers and can change the background at will by turning on/off layers. There is a way to save with a transparent background (as .gif or .ping) using Channels but then you run the risk of pixelated edges....yuk.
hm, I just tried that, and it opened a .psd file....

I use full photoshop, but I was about to teach a seminar to florists on lighting, resolution, how to upload a file, etc ....and I taught our other facility how to do it, but they did not have full Photoshop. So we used GIMP, which is free. It will do the trick, just not all the bells and whistles of Photoshop.

Maybe I should take the show on the road! It is something florists need to know how to do.(or at least someone in their shop!)

also, it's a good idea to just google tutorials on programs like that...I have not done that with GIMP because it is pretty easy for me after using Photoshop. But THAT learning curve was not easy!! I depended on google, tutorials...entering as much info I had for a question as possible!

Being able to edit backgrounds out of photos, changing PDF's to jpegs is essential to using programs like Constant Contact (which I really like!)
Well, you said you couldn't open a .psd file in Gimp, that it was a working file I tried to open a photoshop .psd file with GIMP and it did work....

No, I said you couldn't upload a .psd file. That's cool if you can open it in another program. I'm gonna check out GIMP. Thanks.
Just downloaded GIMP. Looks like it opens only embedded .psd files (not original .psd files with layers), which I kind of figured. Otherwise PS would have a problem with that.
oh ok...had not gotten into that much detail....oh well. So it would be good for doing simple .psd work and changing items to jpeg, etc. Well, that's not a bad free range of things to do for some people. Astart into the photo editing world anyway!
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