Hey Boss, is this you?

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New Member
Oct 31, 2002
State / Prov
Edge of the World
A news story on a local radio station's new site (vocm.com)
Mystery Flower Man 11/19/02 (VOCM News)
Women in Ludington, Michigan have no reason to feel lonely while their men are off hunting. A mystery man dressed in black has been giving them roses. MARK SMITH says he wants the women to know they're not forgotten. He says deer season opened in Michigan last Friday and many of the women were left home alone while their men took to the woods. SMITH has spent nearly 800 dollars U-S on 22 dozen roses.
(the name has been changed to protect the innocent)
Jeez , giving roses to lonely women , making money or making time, great idea , either way! Boss , you dog you , only wish I'd thought of it. What's next , golfing widows??
Nope, but ya know....

I have in the past run a Deer Hunters Special...

DZ roses, delivered Free, set to arrive two days before your return, so she'll be happy that you left :)
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