I appreciate your concern, but I am not anywhere near retirement. In fact, I have read women in my age category are on fire, which I am. Floral Desgining has changed my life, and I am thrilled to be part of it. I was very torn this past summer at the AIFD show, to spend my time in the design area or to see all the presentations. I was advised by some of the seasoned members of CRFA to attend the presentations. I have not been able to move my updated profile, but I am taking the Certified Professionl Florist exam in Denver on March 27th. So I am very dedicated to floral desgin. For personal reasons I can not work full time at a shop. I have a great relationships with shop owners in my area. For instance if I get a call for a telflora type arrangement that is below my price level, I refer them to someone I know. In turn if I need several single stems, they are happy to sell them to me at a discount. Also, some of the special events florists, don't want to take on jobs from charity organizations because of budget restraints. I am, along with many other independant designers are able to fullfill that need in the market, leaving the big money jobs for florists such as yourself. Also at Christmas last year I worked with an independant designer decorating houses. One of the shops I work with said they don't have that service, because it requires alot of extra labor. My point is there are many areas of creative floral design and in the industry we need to focus on the needs of all clients.
We really have one basic goal. Keep selling flowers.
Happy Day