How cowardly...

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Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2002
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Received in the mail today, plain white envelope, my shop name, address taped on to the envelope. In bold print (both envelope & letter)
"Some florists who send many wire orders have sent orders to florists who have made it clear they want no Incoming Wire orders, or discounted direct orders, whether by Rejecting orders, stating they don't want orders, or publicly placing information on chat boards. We understand this, and want to honor their wishes, So as per the treatment of an order or statements you have made, & so your shop is not bothered by any orders that members of this group may send, your name has been added to our shared directory of "DOES NOT WANT ORDERS FLORISTS' DIRECTORY". We compile this list of members of florists for this directory every 4 months, and a member has presented your name for addition to this list.
Members of this group have removed your name from their data bases.
Millinocket ME
Millinocket Floral Shop
97 Penobscot Ave
Millinocket ME 04462

F member

DNF code #ME-004" end of quote.

Now how darned sinister of them not to let me know who is actually blacklisting me?? Darn it, it was so much fun sending ask messages for more money, etc. BTW it was mailed from North Texas PDC 750 A1 (gonna go to the PO to see if they can tell me where, but I'll be dollars to donuts it originated from someone associated with Kay's in Bellaire TX.....
Anyone else get one???
Whomever sent it has access to this board I would assume.....
Guesses anyone or is anyone out there bold enough to take the heat...
There's more than one OG in Texas. Bellaire is in the Houston area (eastern part of the state.)

This is an interesting development. Let's see, FC maintains a list of OGs that any florist is free to add to (or dispute their inclusion.) But this OG cabal (if it is indeed more than just one pissed off OG trying to intimidate) has now decided to list florists who aren't grateful for their 'serving your town' orders and who might actually check and see if the OG is clipping, fibbing or behaving contrary to the TOS of wire services.

In other words, they prefer to use clueless shops so they can reduce the chances of getting caught. They don't want the hassles of answering for their over-promised, under-priced, and/or deceptively-sold orders.

They are also trying to intimidate (and perhaps silence you) because they know who you are. Indeed, the word of such letters may lead some florists to shut up and that would be a shame.

Why don't they just set up a website so that florists can go there and register in a 'do not send your crap to me' list? :>:
I got something similar (actually not so "gentle") a few years ago in an anonymous email, and another floristboard friend got it too. it was called the donotuse florist list. It had a return email of [email protected].

it's all good, means it works
Or Better Yet . . .

CHR said:
Why don't they just set up a website so that florists can go there and register in a 'do not send your crap to me' list? :>:

Why don't they just listen and add us to that "database" when we TELL them that we do not fill for COMPETITORS and STOP REPEATEDLY BOTHERING US TRYING TO GET US TO FILL THEIR OVERPROMISED AND UNDERPRICED CRAP ? ? ?

Who ever sent it to Rhonda... I'm PISSED ya did not send me one!!!!

Does ME-004 mean there are three others in front of you???

Also...most "metered" mail if it was metered (meaning a postage machine) has a meter number traceable thru the PO....

Did I mention:

I do not want OG orders!
I do not want OG orders!
I do not want OG orders!
I do not want OG orders!
I do not want OG orders!

though "coward(s)" is/are the right terminology, here in Canada, you'd be referred to a a snot sucking chicken sh^t!! all means, send ME the same "letter"....I'd be pleased to track you down behind that manure pile you blend in with!!
bloomz said:
I got something similar (actually not so "gentle") a few years ago in an anonymous email, and another floristboard friend got it too. it was called the donotuse florist list. It had a return email of [email protected].

it's all good, means it works

Yup, I was the one that got that. Quite honestly I laughed when I received it and was pleased that I had less orders to refuse. Yay! LOL :)
CHR said:
BTW, OG's who don't appreciate their orders being refused can get testy.

One 'anonymous' caller left me a special message on our answering machine - it's in a .wav format so you have to upload it to hear it. ***Warning*** crass adult language.

Guess you must've hit a nerve with them. I've not had a nasty message left but have had some get testy on the phone with me. Oh well.....
CHR said:
***Warning*** crass adult language.

This, the letter, JB and Erlene's experiences and how many others we do not know about, tells me we are starting to make a difference...

Networking ROCKS! and is always good for a laugh or two :)
Same here

Rhonda at work said:
Received in the mail today, plain white envelope, my shop name, address taped on to the envelope. In bold print (both envelope & letter)
"Some florists who send many wire orders have sent orders to florists who have made it clear they want no Incoming Wire orders, or discounted direct orders, whether by Rejecting orders, stating they don't want orders, or publicly placing information on chat boards. We understand this, and want to honor their wishes, So as per the treatment of an order or statements you have made, & so your shop is not bothered by any orders that members of this group may send, your name has been added to our shared directory of "DOES NOT WANT ORDERS FLORISTS' DIRECTORY". We compile this list of members of florists for this directory every 4 months, and a member has presented your name for addition to this list.
Members of this group have removed your name from their data bases.
Millinocket ME
Millinocket Floral Shop
97 Penobscot Ave
Millinocket ME 04462

F member

DNF code #ME-004" end of quote.

Now how darned sinister of them not to let me know who is actually blacklisting me?? Darn it, it was so much fun sending ask messages for more money, etc. BTW it was mailed from North Texas PDC 750 A1 (gonna go to the PO to see if they can tell me where, but I'll be dollars to donuts it originated from someone associated with Kay's in Bellaire TX.....
Anyone else get one???
Whomever sent it has access to this board I would assume.....
Guesses anyone or is anyone out there bold enough to take the heat...
Just got my copy today, exactly the same except it had midpage:

McAdams Florist (not Floral), Inc.
1107 E. Red River St
Victoria, TX 77901

F member
T member

DNF code #TX-013

Kind of interesting, my post mark said 750 A8
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Post office

Far as I can tell....after some research...this post mark is from the North Texas Processing and Distribution Center in Coppell Texas...

More to follow....
To those who received the letter, I want to share one of my favorite quotes:

People are unreasonable, illogical and self-centered; love them anyway.

If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish ulterior motives; do good anyway.

If you are successful, you win false friends and true enemies; succeed anyway.

The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow; do good anyway.

Honesty and frankness will make you vulnerable; be honest and frank anyway.

People favor underdogs but follow only top dogs; fight for some underdogs anyway.

What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight; build anyway.

People really need help but may attack you if you help them; help anyway.

Give the world the best you have and you'll get kicked in the teeth; give the world the best you got anyway.

- Mother Theresa
We received one of these also, and I posted it on another thread. I tried to go back and delete my post, but I must be too tired to figure out how to do that. What a busy day we had today....and no orders from OGs!
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Thank you Cathy....very wise words..
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I "prefer"....

THOSE 9 commandments, over those others, and live by both each day!!
Thank you for those quotes!!

We received our letter today! Our post mark reads: North TX PDC750 A1. Our letter is marked, T member, DNF code# NY-015. Why the hell would anyone bother to send letters to florist that don't want their orders anyways? Makes no sense...or does it?Knife's Wife
Glad you joined "our club" ....apparently John (TOTO) also got his today. I really think that I know who got all our names and addresses....
hmm 14 in NY....gee only 4 in Maine..gonna have to work on that. I can feel a newsletter article for our state association :)
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