I really got to be there!!!!!

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Hey guys let's remember the spirit of the original post and not muddy the waters. :help: Please?

No kidding, it's starting to ooze in here.

Amy, your original post was glorious as were all the subsequent positive posts that followed. The rest is superfluous.

Oh I think that dead horse got drug over here:smash LOL!!!!!

The horse police have been rang shannon, they are on their way....:walking:

Amy, I am also glad you had such an incredible opportunity to witness this event and am glad you shared it on the board, but...

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you guys are ALL racists....AMY was trying to share a wonderful event that inspired so many...what a ridiculous waste of a wonderful thread.
Sometimes, 'some" of you guys, could use a good enema.....
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All of us, Mikey? Some, I agree, but not all.
All of us, Mikey? Some, I agree, but not all.

Ditto that - it's tough to call me a racist when I'm interracially married.

But it was a wonderful thread about a wonderfully inspiring event and didn't need any rain on the parade.

Another attempt to divide - by "that side"...

I'll start a thread for them...
Amy, regardless of some "online terrorists" your post was both candid, well spoken, and articulate enough to give me goosebumbles...
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I had to read all through this dang thread that produced four pages before I could comment and here is my comment...........
I was so pi**ed off at every da*n email that came from people I know with disregard to facts..................and told everyone of them.....don't send me this crap and don't forward what you don't know is true..........
Amy, I'm so glad to hear of your wonderful time.......
I do wish I had been there..........
I read columns of "comments to the articles" here in our regional paper and I'm so sad that people are so stupid. YES, plain stupid that they can't see for themselves instead of thinking independantly and finding the truths on their own (lazy ba**ards)
I don't subscribe to a political party....I made my own decision when I heard the plain speak from a TV show (yep, the O show but did you actually watch and listen at that time??????
It didn't matter who endorsed him..........it was what he had said 3 years ago!
boy am I going to be censored on this post

Sorry Republicans..nope can't say that cause I voted for my Republican Senator to return from here....I don't vote party lines, there is no rule to do so......
and yes it is too bad to ruin a very happy thread with negativity without regard...........

Wish I could have been there.........
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Is there a full moon?

Is there a full moon?


nope, can't see anything through the fog...........
call it innermost thoughts finally bursting through?
you guys are ALL racists....AMY was trying to share a wonderful event that inspired so many...what a ridiculous waste of a wonderful thread.
Sometimes, 'some" of you guys, could use a good enema.....
what do you me "us guys are all racists?'' I don't think so homie!
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Aileen, you and a few others need some kind of a wake up call / reality check, and I mean this in as positive of way as I possibly can.

If there were acts of violence in Chicago, they were minimal.

Barack Obama respects the flag and the Pledge of Allegiance, despite what was implied / insinuated on this board.

Michelle Obama did not spend $450 on room service at the Waldorf Astoria.

Honestly, mean people circulate these untruths. They are more concerned about getting their point across, than they are about being honest. In this, the information age, it is everyone's duty to verify any story or email before passing it on. Right now, a lot of people are passing on...and insuating a lot of BS, and it needs to stop.

We each need to verify that information we pass on, via emails, blogs, boards like this one, is correct. Otherwise we are contributing to the problem; not part of the solution.

I hope all of us will commit to a little more fact checking and a little less mud slinging.

For Heaven's Sake We Need It Now,

all the best

I can't even read the posts after Aileen posted. Let me clear up a few details.

My husband is a former Chicago Police officer (now works in a suburb) so we were talking with the commanders all evening and THERE WAS NOT 1 SINGLE ACT OF VIOLENCE AT THE RALLY. NOT 1!!!!!!!!!!!!! Elsewhere in the city there may have been some people acting like asssholes... but there, no one so much as uttered an unkind word. When I read your post, I called my brother in law, a lieutenant in the 3rd district and he concurred that there were NO arrests and NO reports of violence of any kind. Please double check with your source before spreading anymore tarnishing statements. It is just not true!

The national media preys on stuff like this, so had there been 1 incident of pick-pocketing (or anything more severe) it would have been all over the news.
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Amy, thank you so much for sharing your experience. We have seen a new awakening and hope within our country. I wasn't able to stay up to watch it all but I did get up at 2:30AM and checked to see who won!

Aileen, if there was such a cover-up as you suggest, it will come out in the open just like when it came out that there were no weapons of mass destruction or the unethical treament of prisoners.

Bloomz, LOVE the magazine cover! :yourock:
Amy, thank you for sharing your experience at what is an historical event. Regardless of your position on the president elect, or the election, this was truly a moment in American History that will be remembered forever. I'm glad to be alive to have witnessed even the TV coverage of it; you, and your children can tell your children's children's children you were there!

Is there a full moon?
I think only the moons of some choosing to show their azzes :>

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