I was bored... silly florists...

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There are a few towns in Maine that do not have a broadband or dsl service available (but if they have satellite, they can have internet access).
If you have cable TV, you can have internet.
If you have a phone you can have internet.
Now the phone way, sometimes is still s l o w
depending on how far from a switching station you are. It could boil down to dialup speed. But there are many ways to have internet and some small shops just don't feel the needed $$ are worth it to have in shop.
(I "fibbed" to my internet provider...I have a residential line at the shop. Why should I pay more for there when I'm on the internet just as much at home as I am at the shop)

I know some shops in the outreaches of this country who don't have access or can't afford to have the access to the internet. They need the books.

Now, it would be nice if each shop could decide whether or not they want the book. That being said however, if too many opt out, then the expense of producing the book can trump the costs of getting the internet. A conundrum...

I was surprised at the comment that some shops could'nt afford internet access .Is it very expensive in parts of Canada /US ?The service here was shocking with dial up the only option for ages but it is availability and speeds etc improving all the time now .I wonder can any florist in these hard times afford NOT to have it ?
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