Is there INTELLIGENT LIFE here??...

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Mikey the Flower Guy

It's a GREAT DAY to live, and love!
Nov 10, 2002
Dundas, Ontario, Canada
State / Prov
just finished laying a BRAND NEW ceramic tile floor in front of our showroom cooler, was working ALL afternoon, cut and fit the tiles so well, I was feeling VERY proud of myself,patted me on the shoulder and said "GOOD JOB Mikey"!!
Had customers in and out of ther store all day,and so long as I was out and about, NO problem...I took me eye off the new floor for 3 minutes to wash the mortar buckets, IN walks a mother with her little daughter, who IMMEDIATELY climbs under the ropes I have in place to keep people out, and starts jumping around on the tiles, put TWO out of place...I noticed, yelled at the kid, piss mother off...she storms out!!
Ok, I'm lucky, thinset is still wet, no problem, lift up tiles, re-spread mortar, reset the TWO tiles, so far, so good.
Go to wash off the trowel, hear the doorbell go off..before ANY of us can get out front, some goof, probably about 30 years old, is standing on the INSIDE of the ropes, in front of the cooler, right in the spot where I repaired the other TWO, PLUS THREE more tile corners have popped up...gotta fix them again...HE WAS MAD AT ME, for yelling at HIM to get off the tiles...dumb ***!!
At least HE apoligized, I gave him his C&C roses for free, he said NOPE, I'm paying, and apoligized again.
I've had to literally BOARD OFF the front cooler.
Another aldy comes in, doesn't see any flowers, walks out muttering, "they don't HAVE any flowers"!!
Is there a FULL MOON or something??
I go to a local wholesaler who has two german sheppards that patrol at night , are penned up during the day, but let everyone who shows up that they are there and not to be messed with, nasty , nasty dogs. Was there one day when a moron came in and went over trying to pet the boys. He just about lost his hand and then complained to the owner that because he comes there every couple of weeks that the dogs should be used to him. Some people are beyond help. Would have been a fun court case if teeth had found his hand.
so mikey how is the floor it is set and no was shot or maimed in the process.....the full moon for december is on the 19th so we ALL need to watch out and wouldn't you know it Christmas week.....maybe WE should all go howl at it and skip the insanity inside the shop???? what da ya tink?:confused:
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