Jinny Suh at FTD talks Rebates??

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Let's face it, without incomings, would most florists choose to purchase their business services through FTD?

Cathy, you may not want to believe, but I know several very successful flower shops that actually want FTD's business services - POS mainly.

I shake my head every time I am in their shops or talk to them on the phone.

It was explained to me by someone that knows and understands (I sure don't) the big picture quite simply.

Every 100 orders one sends keeps 4 small shops wire service bills paid.

They're not that stupid - they know exactly what they are doing. :spin
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Those shops' wire service bills are paid by incoming wire orders.

As long as the wire services are sending a check to the florist at the end of the month the florist is happy. If the florist has to write the check he's dropping membership.

Or, looking at it from another angle, most florists are members of wire services to receive incoming wire orders because they believe they can make money at it.

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