Live Chat

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Staff member
Oct 31, 2002
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The first benefit of our new hosting setup is that we've added a Live Chat Room.

This means that for everyone who just can't get enough Mikey The Flower Guy already can "hear" him live, 24/7, 365!

I'm sure BOSS will put in an appearance or two, as well :)

On the main page (the Forum Index) in the top-left corner, right below the Newest Member, is a link to enter the chat room.

This chatroom is Java based, so if your browser does not support Java, it's REALLY time to get into the 90's and upgrade. You will be prompted at the top of the chat page to enter your Nickname.
Please use your FlowerChat username!

I chose the Java chatroom because it has a decent set of features. If people abuse the nickname feature, I'll simply downgrade the chatroom to a basic one where nicknames are taken from the FlowerChat member database.

Have fun!


FYI, I am getting a PHP error page when I go to and click "Click here to enter the FlowerChat Community"
When I do I get
this. Its fine when you click the flowerchat community logo.
:( Growing pains. :(

Many relational references within the vBulletin code. Thought I had updated them all.

I'll try to get this fixed ASAP.
Ok, all better. Just had an error in the absolute server path.
Live at 5

Hey folks... how bout a get together at 5 EST today... just to "test" the room and say howdy :)

See ya then....
FYI ...

I have a beta of a second type of chat room at

I'm interested in which on people prefer.

Remember, the new one is a beta, so it's not pretty yet :)
Are you creating a new name?

The database for the chat room doesn't link to the FlowerChat member list - I haven't found a viable chatroom for that yet.

Still looking!
Ya'll missed it....

For all those that missed the live chat Saturday at 5 (i know short notice)

One person did stop by, and he wanted me to extend his Hellos and best wishes to Mikey, Rock and the rest that know him....

His initials are B.S. (no not Bull)....

Have a day !
Re: Live Chat, not workey?

Originally posted by Infinite
The first benefit of our new hosting setup is that we've added a Live Chat Room.

This means that for everyone who just can't get enough Mikey The Flower Guy already can "hear" him live, 24/7, 365!

I'm sure BOSS will put in an appearance or two, as well :)

On the main page (the Forum Index) in the top-left corner, right below the Newest Member, is a link to enter the chat room.

This chatroom is Java based, so if your browser does not support Java, it's REALLY time to get into the 90's and upgrade. You will be prompted at the top of the chat page to enter your Nickname.
Please use your FlowerChat username!

I chose the Java chatroom because it has a decent set of features. If people abuse the nickname feature, I'll simply downgrade the chatroom to a basic one where nicknames are taken from the FlowerChat member database.

Have fun!


I did use my flowerchat user name and password yet it told me not found?

What I'm I doing in error?
It say's my Jabber Name not found

I used my Flowerchat name could it be I forgot my Password????

Ryan would know my I truly forgot it, it's stored in cookies on this pc so I have not had to use it.

Jabber Name not found??? tried it upper case and lower case still nothing.

Originally posted by GFLORAL
OK, there is a new type of chat room now. Hey Blue Put in your Name then put a password in and press the "NEW NAME" button.

That should do it.

Don;t work for me....must be a conspiracy;)
No spaces in you name now..

Do i with no spaces in the name and you will need 15 charactors in the

BOSSISTHEBESTINTHEUSE but no more that 22 letters a min of 15 then you can beging to play in the chat room.:rolleyes:
hmm, won't take my name or password. Darn I have way toooo many passwords to remember so don't clear my cookies very often (cause I can't get back in anywhere)....
Hellooo....please email me my password LOL

Use your FlowerChat ID, pick ANY password, and click the NEW NAME button on your first visit.

This is a separate log in than your FlowerChat login.
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