Mainstreet/Downtown Organizations

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I live in a small New England town that you can find old wooden signs nailed in the trees upon entering that read "Cherish Granby, resist development."

I would not have posted here but a town local from a founding family has just died which got me a thinking. Since I had to face the "bluebloods" when I had to appear before the Zoning committee and town when I was forced to apply for a special permit, he was one of the opposers. I have been since an advocate for small business on private property which was a BIG deal around here in the 70's I'm told. I joined the Granby Land Trust and have since made close friends with the towns oldtimers. But convincing them the advantage to allowing income based small proprietors is like convincing them the world is flat.

So once a month you'll find me at the town meetings giving my 2 cents, and if you know me, I like to shout and stir. As an advocate for homebased businesses (within regulations and neighborhood consideration) I believe that it is good for the local economy.

Other than that, we involve Dragonfly with parades, art associations, guilds, and the local school productions. I am amazed at the referrals that come from the little things we do.
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