Announcement Media and Download Libraries


Staff member
Oct 31, 2002
State / Prov
You may have noticed about a month ago that we added a Media library for easy access to video content on FlowerChat. The media library allows us to display both local video files and items from popular video sites like YouTube.

I'm now happy to announce that we've also added a Downloads section to create libraries of useful documents. So far we have added all the articles from Jennifer Laycock (including the latest of Facebook's Open Graph), and the popular spreadsheet from @CHR: on wire service profitability.

While the media library content is currently accessible only to Pro members (until we can program a greater level of access control), some of the download libraries are accessible to free members. The premium content will, of course, remain available only to Pro members.

Both Free and Pro members can add content to the Download library. As we get so many valuable contributions over the years, having files centralized in a library will be of great benefit now and in the future.

Help us build up the library - what are you favourite documents and spreadsheets that have appeared on FlowerChat? Wedding quotes, contracts, informational items - what have you enjoyed?
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One of the documents, "Florist Blogging Strategy Guide" in the Downloads: Social Media Guides section, is protected with a password, but I can't find the password anywhere so I can read it.

Help, Mr. Wizard!