Tho it would be kewl to have Merlin talking about us...
Gawd, I luv that guy Merlin....many of us had the wonderful opportunity of talking and kibitzing with him, and he is really one huge, and class guy.
HOWEVER, this almost seems like some sort of last gasp effort, by FTD, to regain some sense of stability within it's organization, and MOST younger shoppers have NO IDEA who Merlin even IS, so, it would seem, that FTD is trying to use "old tactics" to retain some confidence, from the "old crowd".
Folks, I'm an FTD guy, but, I've got my life jacket on!!
Regarding the MERC system being down......I'd really start looking at other forms of getting your orders in & out....The MERC system is teetering on becoming a dysfunctional "patchwork" of interfaces, and unrelenting non-support, from those that claim to make it work!!