FlowerChat Administrator
No I'm not going to reject out of hand, I will however send an ASK P (MO$) on each one and let the sender decide the fate of the orders.OK... let's assume we have TEN orders that are all underpriced for delivery and are ALL going in the same block as the one with the "correct" delivery charge.
You are going to REJECT ALL TEN?
I understand and agree on the incremental sales contribution, I simply feel that for delivery to remain profitable there has to be a hard line, and that line applies to each order.
Using your scenario, then, would lead one to think that an order going to the funeral home or hospital that is under priced by $10-12.00 should be filled and delivered, in essence for free since you are going there anyway. My thinking is that each order must contribute it's fair share, and multiple deliveries to the hospital help to offset the cost of delivery for house deliveries that at best are break even.
($0.02 per delivery just for license plates )