Mother's Day Funnies: What made you laugh when you really needed it?

Gina B Kellogg

Pro Member
Sep 30, 2011
Overland Park
State / Prov
You just got through one of the most stressful periods of your year. It was HARD. And you are still recovering. But was there some things that happened that made it worth your while? Made you laugh? Let's share some of those stories to remind everyone why they got in the business in the first place (which can be hard to remember when your back hurts, your feet ache and your hands are raw!)...
It was a great holiday...

Biggest laugh: The guy that came in with 4 bunches of flowers from Krogers and wanted me to my signature wrap on them... I honestly told him "Are you serious?" "Really?"... I walked him over to the cooler... showed him my stuff, told him that they were for sale, and that NO, I will not wrap, "In fact sir, I will not even touch someone else's product"...after he left, other customers said to each other... can you believe that?

We had a good laugh over the stupidity of others...
A staffer came to my office Saturday morning saying a customer had come to pick up her order and that she was upset and did not like the flowers at all.

I walked out to the sale floor and immediately saw the problem.

One of our temps had pulled what she thought was the lady's order ( a large avant-garde design with orchids, decorative wires and peacock feathers ) when the actual order was a white roses & hydrangea bouquet-to-carry for a Quinceanera (Sweet 15 party traditional in Hispanic cultures.) She didn't speak English so the team couldn't understand what was wrong with the order.

Issue solved. She loved the bouquet and went merrily on her way.
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Laugh: Customer came in on prom evening and pointed to her wrist looking for a "cornage".

Another customer came flying in the door in a mad rush for "Cardinal Flowers, you know those cheap ones" One of our other customers overhears and says do you mean Carnations. Customer says yes carnations! Goes over to our carnation display grabs 1 comes up to register and says I'm all set. Wow mom's worth 1 carnation. How grateful! That's all I could think.
Customer signed his card : Happy Mummy's Day!! I'm all wrapped up in you.
It was his first Mother's Day with his wife and daughter.

My husband delivered to a house and a little girl about 6 took the flowers to her Mother.My husband said to the women "Have a great Mother's Day."The little girl said: "You too Mister". Her mother said:"He's not a Mother". The little girl:"How do you know?Brian's one dad at school is the Mother" Out of the mouths of babes.
This may be the best yet... 2 OG's and a trash can... Make that 3 trashy cans.


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One of our good friends has a gentleman friend in Australia. He called to order her flowers, a dozen tulips. He had us sign the card, enjoy your chulips. He said, that is how it sounds when he says it :) So for the rest of the weekend we all called them chulips. Whatever it takes to get you through! Other fun stuff, like my loving husband running out of gas for the first time in his life while out on deliveries.. I really thought something like that would freak me out but I was laughing too hard to care.
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Young man entered our store and after browsing for a few minutes and seemed to bolt into one of our other rooms that contains giftware and such, after a few minutes and ringing through a customers selection from our outdoor planters he re appeared, the customer with the garden centre selection was his Mom, and he didnt want to ruin the surprise of getting her flowers for Mother's Day...funny and cute.
Ya know, perhaps the funniest (saddest) Mothers Week story came about today...

It's funny, because of who said it, one of the major wire services, and saddest, because they are right... The comment was "in general, florists are stupid, if they would just get it together, they could eliminate our access to same day delivery, and cut our sales by more than 50%"...

I agree... And this from the company that sold over 350,000 social media (Groupon, Livingsocial, and others) orders last week that florists filled at a discount.

Silly florists!
"We got to see our mom today, it's Mother's Day at our house".....this was 5 weeks ago, I was puzzled, but, content that all the offspring saw their mom all together, 5 weeks ago, for Mom's Day.......ON MOM'S DAY Sunday they all walked in together, to order her funeral flowers...she died that morning!
They celebrated Mom's Day, WITH MOM!
One quipped " Mom said "I'm so happy to see you all, I could die".....:)
She was 54, worked at a local coffee shop,and the whole town loved that lady!